Dear Friend,
Wow – summer is already over, along with three-fourths of the year!
Now, usually I would send this out as a postcard just to clients – but I wanted to try something a little different so that all of my customers and subscribers could read it. Not to mention, the topics in this issue are near and dear to my heart (and my success).
Hopefully in the last 9 months of 2004 you’ve been exponentially increasing your business. I know my profits have only been going up and up each month – the opportunity this year is ripe for the picking. Contrary to the media propaganda, the economy is creating more wealth than ever (and has been for awhile now).
And I’m loving every minute of it – in fact, I’ve been able to spend more time traveling, goofing off and playing computer games than ever before.
…I’m almost ashamed to admit it (notice I said ALMOST), but I love games – especially the recent Call of Duty (if you play that too, let me know!). Doesn’t get much more fun than that!
In fact, I usually play with some other top business owners…and we actually mastermind on the phone while playing. Perfect mix of business and pleasure (although my girlfriend might not agree).
Listen, you can call it childish. but…
Isn’t this why we have our own businesses?
For the LIFESTYLE they give us?
Opportunity abounds. And EVERYONE should be digging in to get their slice of the pie. It’s sad for me when I see people I know "stuck" in a rut, complaining about their lot in life (but you and I both know – it’s THEIR choice to be there). I’m sure you have friends like that too, right? Unfortunately all you can do is point the way, or invite them on the ride with you.
That’s why this month’s newsletter is the beginning of a three-part series about the "head" stuff. You can call it a little bit of "woo woo" or whatever you want, but it works. Every successful person I know will agree with the points below.
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