It’s that special time of year, when I need to tell you something very important…
And I truly mean it. It takes time and effort to grow a great business relationship, and I’m grateful for the part you’ve played in growing ours.
That’s why I got up earlier this morning to record a special VIDEO message for you – it’s some of my Thanksgiving ramblings, along with a heads-up on an overt-the-top ‘Thank You’ event I launched today.
As if that weren’t enough. In this video, I’m also leaking (for the 2nd time only) 13 minutes of solid content from a recent SOLD OUT webinar where Yanik Silver grilled me for how I make more money, have more fun and give more back each day. It’s perfect for today – and because this is the time of Thanksgiving…it’s yours FREE!
Turn up your sound and enjoy…
Please leave your comments below – let me know what YOU experience gratitude for this time of year!
(11/26 UPDATE: The sale event is now LIVE – but only through Monday, November 29…so act fast before the special discounts and bonuses disappear! If you’ve ever wanted to master online prospecting, webinars, copywriting and more, this is your chance! Go here to get the full scoop.)
From my Lifetime Marketing Success, Inc. family to yours…THANK YOU!
Chris 🙂
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