A Quick Favor…

Hi all,

Chris Zavadowski here with a quick note…

I will be sending your blog/newsletter update in just a day or two. But first I need to ask you a favor…

I’m very close to finishing up the long awaited “Internet Prospecting Secrets” program (the first-ever A-Z program showing you how to use the Internet to grow and automate your MLM business).

I plan to announce the LIVE coaching program for just a handful of people next week (if all goes according to plan).

But because of the unique way I’m putting this together, and based on the poll I held a couple weeks ago, I have to ask you a couple of final questions.

Can you help me out?

Just go to the site below to answer the questions and get a few more details about what I’ve got up my sleeve…


Thanks in advance for your help!

Chris 🙂

PS – I know your time is valuable, so I’ve come up with a special incentive for completing the quick survey:

For every completed set of questions I get back, I’ll donate $1 to the Red Cross for hurricane efforts. (We’ve already donated over $1,000.00 to relief this year, but if you’ll spend just a few minutes of your time helping me out – I’ll donate even more!)


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