It’s not just about money.
A survey at of aspiring entrepreneurs cited four other prime motivations for the desire to be in business:
* 28% said to pursue a passion, interest, even a hobby;
* 25% to be independent, the boss, making decisions;
* 11% to create something useful that people need;
* 10% for the challenge; 18% for the money.
In my RENEGADE MILLIONAIRE SYSTEM, I tell entrepreneurs that your choices shouldn’t just be about making money but about how you make the money you make. Being a business owner comes with a ‘price tag’ of far greater responsibility than that borne by most non-business owners.
In exchange, you should get far greater enjoyment, pleasure, pride and satisfaction, greater control and authority. That’s the way it’s supposed to work. And no apologies are necessary for endeavoring to make your business fulfill your personal goals and preferences.
Your daily work needs to make you happy.
TV commentator Andy Rooney (60 Minutes) observed that…
“For most of life, nothing inherently wonderful happens. If you don’t enjoy getting up and working and finishing your work and sitting down to a meal with family and friends, you’re not going to be very happy.”
Nobody ever gets rich enough to buy back time. So you need to design and engineer your regular, day-to-day business activities to be personally pleasing, satisfying, interesting and worthwhile. It’s important to have future goals and ambition, but not to the point that the present moments are consumed doing business with people you don’t like, doing business in a way that causes you undue stress or irritation, or feeling like a slave or hostage.
— Dan Kennedy
Dan Kennedy is an author, consultant and business coach. Additional information at
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