According to a job satisfaction survey conducted by, a whopping 65% of U.S. workers plan to look for new, different jobs, March-June of 2006, up from 50% a year ago. This says things about employee dissatisfaction, but it also says something very interesting about peoples’ true view of the economy: why would you polish up the resume (80% say they have) and search for a better job (65% claim they are) if you didn’t think there were lots of good jobs out there to find?
Contrary to the gloom ’n doom about job losses and the despair of American workers promulgatednightly on Lou Dobbs’ show on CNN and often throughout the media, the majority of employees have a positive expectation about finding a better, higher-paying position! This may be part of the explanation for both the unmitigated consumer spending and active investing: people are a whole lot less worried about job insecurity than the media thinks.
But this also means people are looking for “bigger and better” opportunities – so make sure you keep these stats in mind when prospecting!
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