3 Surefire Places to Find Long-Lasting Mentors

If you’re like most people, you probably hear about mentors and coaches all the time – and how important it is to have them for different areas of your life.

But the question everyone needs to ask is where do you actually start finding these great people?

With that in mind, here are three tried-and-true places to find long-lasting mentors that can change your life for the better.

HOT SPOT #1) While a mentor is commonly thought of as someone you interact with one-on-one in a live setting, a mentor or coach can also be a book, CD or course where you get access to an expert in some topic.

For me, that was HUGE just starting out, since I had no name recognition (or big accomplishments in business) to bend someone’s ear.

One thing to remember when looking for a mentor is that you’re asking THEM to make a time investment.  Which means you must show you’re actually worth the time you want them to take (versus the majority of people who can talk a good game, but who don’t take action).

By investing in their resources first – and taking action – you show them you are serious about the commitment needed.

HOT SPOT #2) Another great place to find mentors is via live events.  If there’s a certain expert you want to learn from, he or she most likely hosts live training events.  This not only puts you closer to the expert, but also helps you network with other like-minded people in your situation.

In many cases, you’ll make new long-term friends at these events…people who will support you (and vice versa) for years to come!

The key with using this method is you should expect to attend several events.  You must show growth, action and accomplishment from one event to the next.  That’s the main way people will believe in your investment toward your goals.

HOT SPOT #3) Once you’ve shown a serious level of commitment, you’ll want to pursue a mastermind group or coaching program.

I’ll be honest – some are hit or miss (and you should cut bait as soon as an association is dragging you down). But if you do your homework right, you can end up in a room with some people who are top notch players…which puts you closer to a mentoring relationship with the “expert” (who many times will facilitate the event).  However, it also puts you in direct contact with other men and women of action.

Often times you’ll find a mentor (or partnership) from the other people in the room.  In fact going through these steps will be more than just financial success to you.  It results in great friendships with many people.

Now keep in mind, a mentor does NOT have to be someone who is a “big name” either — just someone who can help you get to where you need to go. There are millions of people out there who are more successful than you and me…and who would be willing to give back and help someone else.

Personally, I went through the exact same progression above.  I bought everything I could get my hands on and started going to live events.  In fact two of my very close friends, Yanik Silver and Jim Edwards, started out as people I just bought products from.  Then they saw me at live events and saw me taking action.

Next I moved into a mastermind program…and now, years later, I’m great friends and business partners with them. We’ve gone on trips together, hung out with each others families, and have worked together for years.

A lot of this happens because you take action, get results and make sure your future mentors are aware of it.  That’s key!

By the way, sometimes a mentor relationship starts from simply writing a letter or getting a meeting with someone and asking for the help. Yes, it can be that simple!

Many people don’t ASK for, TAKE ACTION on and PERSEVERE for what they want — that’s one of the big “secrets” to making it happen.

(c) Copyright Chris Zavadowski.  All Rights Reserved.


Chris Zavadowski, 2007-2008’s Coach of the Year, has gained top recognition online and offline for his unique ways of growing businesses with the Internet.  Chris has served as an online mentor for thousands of business.  For more of his breakthrough online marketing resources and to find out about the first ever collection of fill-in-the-blank network marketing sales letters templates along with his other proven tools, visit http://www.InstantMLMSalesLetters.com


Note: If you’d like to reprint this article on your blog or in your newsletter you have permission to do so as long as the copyright information and the resource box above remain with the article.


Please feel to leave your comments below.  I’d love to know what you thought of the article, as well as what places YOU use for finding great mentors!


  1. Chuck Bartok says:

    Chris another place is right here.
    I have been mentoring Small business owners for 4 decades.
    Not as flashy as some.
    But my clients make MONEY after they learn the correct
    business Mindset.
    I love your clear Direction.
    My expertise is Relationship Marketing principles Off-line and On-line.
    It is fun having clients with you for 4 decades…
    Relationships are primary

  2. Koshy says:

    Thanks Chris, this is a much needed follow up on the previous blog about mentors. I enjoyed the first one and this too is equally educating.
    Keep these coming.

  3. Revathi says:

    My deep appreciation to you for giving such ideas to find out mentors and coaches. I think this is a great list with some good idea for choosing ong-lasting mentors. I found this very useful and hope it would help others to plan to act on some of the suggestions.

  4. Shashank says:

    This article helps me a lot for my further growth in my carrier. Thanks a lot, Chris. It was very educative and informative. I would like to read more on this.

  5. Raju says:

    Chris, it’s really fantastic! The 3 hot spots you mentioned to find the mentors can actually mend our life as well as our business.
    I will use live events to find great mentors as it brings us closer to the expert and also helps us network with other like-minded people in our situation.

  6. Excellent article Chris, and right on the money. So far, what you describe has been exactly the path that has helped me to attract fantstic support and mentoring too. The most important is stepping up and taking action on what your mentors are teaching. Then make your gratitude and results known to your mentor. It creates a fantastic upward spiral for everyone involved! Thanks for breaking down the steps so clearly! 🙂

  7. Jeff says:

    Hi Chris, Your view on finding mentors is great. I could see a unique approach on all of your posts, especially about mentors. The thought about having a mentor could be even books, cd’s and other materials is appreciated. Because, I normally see mentors through books. I just read a book recently named “The complete works of Swami Vivekananda” and could feel Swamiji as a mentor virtually. I could not feel anyone like that in real and I do not think it will happen in the future too. Those are the diamond words and I cannot just forget in my life time. So, that kind of impact it has created on me. I was excited to see that on your post as well.

    Just a quick question Chris, as a coach, how do you differentiate the mentors you see through books and in real?


  8. Josh says:

    Enjoyed reading this article today when I received it in my Inbox. Great information!

  9. Angela says:

    Hi Chris

    Thanks for the article. I appreciate

    Have a wonderful day.


  10. Cheri Sigmon says:


    Good points. Recently, I’ve found an additional “traditional” 1-1 mentor this past week (as you quickly noticed; thanks for your comment on my Facebook post (status)). For entrepreneurial business, I have chosen to “hire” Ken McArthur as my Number One mentor; he is a man of integrity. Watch what his IMPACT Action Team is doing. 😉

    Also, in my InfoSec profession, I now have two mentors – one whom I occasionally visit in person (out of state, but close geo.), by e-mail, or phone. My 2nd NEW mentor will drive how we communicate and how often. This *senior exec* has just agreed to this. One tip I can share, including respecting mentors’ ethics and their time, is to ensure that THEY also get something from the win/win relationship. Don’t abuse.


    p.s. Don’t be afraid to ask the right person at the right time, for both. 😉

  11. Chuck — thanks for your kind words and continued contributions. Always appreciated!

    Koshy, Revanthi and Shashank – thanks, too!

    Raju — glad helped you out. 🙂

    Gabrielle — always a pleasure to ‘see’ your smiling face pop up. Gratitude is key…glad you brought that up. Letting someone know they are appreciated is a big deal for long-term success. Hope to see you on the blog more! 🙂

    Jeff — good question. Working with someone in person or over the phone is always better than a book. You can have a true dialogue and get great feedback for YOUR specific situation. But sometimes a book/CD/DVD is all you can do…since the mentor isn’t running in the same circles as you (yet). Answer your question?

    Josh and Angela – you’re welcome!

    Cheri – exactly! I found it funny to see your Facebook comment right after I wrote the article. You’re living proof (besides me and the others commenting) the system works. 🙂 You brought up good points – congrat son your new mentors!

    Please keep the comments coming everyone – and be sure to subscribe (upper right hand corner) so you can get the latest updates when something new is posted!

    Now I’m off to visit my friends’ 1-week old baby boy…

    Take care,

    Chris 🙂

  12. Jim Rodante says:

    Great advice Chris…

    Books definitely make great mentors, yes. I’ve been following some guys for years, solely through their written word, even though I’ve never, and probably never will, meet them.

    I’ve also found that sometimes, a mentor may end up being someone you totally do not expect. For example, my father in law, who is as middle class as they come, has a wonderful ability to talk reason & calm & clarity to me, when it seems sometimes my head is spinning or I’m running in 4 different directions (we’ve all been there!).

    He may not bring me business mentoring, per se…but his life wisdom, philosophical & mental mentoring abilities are extremely helpful to me.

    Thanks Chris, nice work as always…

  13. Nina says:

    Thanks so much not only for the valuable information…great follow up to the 9 keys article….but also for the reprint okay. Your insight and knowledge is invaluable to those of us who are starting out. It’s great to have someone to follow.


  14. irenefk says:

    Hi, thanks for the great tips for seeking and finding a mentor. When funds do not permit at this time to travel and rub shoulders and ideas in personal contact, what can you suggest.
    I and my business partner are passionate about the health and wellness industry as he has challenges of a Lymphatic condition and I have challenges of skin cancers. we are doing much better with the raw foods diet and thank God for that daily.
    would love ideas on connecting with affiliating a product or other money making ideas.
    thanks so much

  15. scott says:

    I like the way this blog looks, or should I say the way this blog functions. Anyway, the question is, can somebody tell me how do I get a blog, or how do I make a blog that look like this one.

    Also, at the beginning of the email (that contains the link which lead me here), it says “totally free blog”, does it mean both the HOSTING & DOMAIN NAME are free ? What are the hidden cost, there must be some kind of catch…

    Appreciate for anyone’s time to explain, or go clarify.

  16. Bruce says:

    The underlying message here is ” Commitment ” I want to thank you
    for writing this post Chris. In saying that, I found two great mentors
    online, who I have been most beneficial to my education with Internet
    marketing techniques and my mindset………

    To Your success
    Bruce 🙂

  17. Robert Mulle says:

    Thank you Chris! You really helped me clarify my thinking on the finding a mentor issue. I especially liked your statement “Now keep in mind, a mentor does NOT have to be someone who is a “big name” either — just someone who can help you get to where you need to go.”

    I’ve been a part-time internet marketer for almost one year now, and I’m finally realizing the necessity of finding people to help me get to where i want to be in my marketing efforts.

    Thanks again..


  18. Ron Mendelson says:

    Hi Chris.
    Thank you for the excellent information on mentors.

    I truly believe many of us at times forget just how important having a mentor is.

    We have all had mentors who have made profound differences in our lives.

    Some of us have also been fortunate enough to have been a mentor to someone else and have made a difference in their lives for the better.

    Wishing everyone continued success


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