Important Internet Report For You…

"7 Powerful Reasons You Need to Be Using the
Internet in YOUR Network Marketing Business
(Or Your Business Will Struggle to Survive!)"

By Chris Zavadowski,

Like it or not, the Internet — "it" — has finally reached the mainstream culture.

Just as cell phones are everywhere, you can’t turn in any direction without seeing a computer as part of your daily personal and business life.

Can you even imagine your business running without a fax machine or voice mail system? That would be crazy, right? Well, as indispensable as these tools are, it’ll be nothing compared to how the Internet will affect your MLM business.

Now, more than ever, is the time you must learn to use the Internet to your advantage. With more and more consumers discovering the Internet, more and more people are powering up their computers to make their buying decisions.

In fact, I predict that in the next few years – if you’re NOT using the Internet, your business will struggle to survive (and no, having a cloned website from your company doesn’t count as really using the Internet).
That’s why I want to share with you 7 powerful reasons you need to be using the Internet in your network marketing business (and why your company won’t tell you this – in fact, this information scares them. Keep reading to find out why!)…

Reason #1: You can create profits AND leads at the same time.

Are you tired of wasting time on "suspects" (people who don’t even know about your opportunity yet) and burning a hole in your wallet with lead companies? If so, once you really go online, you can create a prospecting system that will bring you profits at the exact same time you’re generating *highly* qualified leads! And the best part is that you can "OWN" this system. (See #3 below for why "ownership" is critical).

Forget wasting money on lead lists and talking to unqualified people. Once you get up online — with a newsletter, product, info-site, etc. — you can create your own special mini-sites (highly targeted websites) that will put money in your pocket…even if people do NOT join your business or buy your product/service. How powerful is that!

Reason #2: When you create your online prospecting system, you have the ultimate leverage.

In MLM, you have to keep doing the same actions over and over and over again (which can get to be pretty mindnumbing), but online, you can put systems in place ONE TIME, that bring you profits (and build your business) for literally years to come. Technology can do all of the tiring work for you.

Using services like, you can put a lot of your prospecting, relationship-building and even downline training on 100% autopilot. And since most of you reading this already own – you even have a great starting point for content to use.

For instance, one website system I put up less than 3 years ago, has banked over $115,327.63 (and because it’s online and automated – that number grows every single day!). And that’s just ONE of my sites. 🙂

Don’t forget, I have degrees in music and theater – not business and marketing. Which means YOU can achieve great results too if you want to. There’s nothing holding you back. (Although I can’t guarantee you’ll make the same amounts I do, because 1) that’s illegal for me to say…and 2) honestly, I don’t know if you’ll even get up off your butt and do one dang thing with this information!)

But once you test and tweak a profitable system, you can barely lift a finger and it will do the work for you, day in and day out. (I’ll show you an example shortly on this blog).

Reason #3: You finally create assets that YOU own.

I know I probably won’t win any friends with this, but I’ve gotta be truthful: When you’re building your network marketing business the "old fashioned way", you are building your business on quicksand. Let me explain…

You don’t "own" your downline – your company does.

You don’t "own" the products – your company does.

You don’t "own" your customers – your company does.

You don’t even own your website or marketing materials!

And you don’t even have employees…you have a "volunteer army" for a downline! So at the end of the day, when you work your business the same old way as everyone else – you don’t have ANY assets! It’s DANGEROUS to put all of your eggs in one basket…especially when it’s a basket you don’t own or control.

But when you build an online prospecting system, you’re creating an asset that YOU OWN. That’s the powerful position you must put yourself into if you want to be in charge of your wealth creation. Then, no matter what your company does or changes, YOU are in the driver’s seat. (Even if your company closed up shop, you’d STILL be able to make money online with a good system in place.)

Reason #4: Your *BEST* prospects can be found ONLINE – not offline!

Believe it or not, rich consumers are more likely to shop online!

Overall, 34% of respondents to a recent survey said they made an online purchase during the past year while 50% of mass affluent respondents and 57% of the highly affluent used e-commerce. (Source: Package Facts)

In fact, 74% of the Internet population over the age of 13 will shop online this year, up a tad from 73% last year and 7 percentage points from 2001. That equals 115.1 million consumers over 13, up from 82.3 million in 2001. In 2007, 77% of the online population over age 13 — 131.3 million people — will shop online. (Source: eMarketer, 2004)

And the best part? You can laser-target your ideal prospects online and have them come to you, instead of the other way around!

Reason #5: Prospecting with the Internet (when you do it the right way) is dirt-cheap and extremely economical.

All of your online tools — from your website to your autoresponders to sending emails — barely cost anything.

Unlike opening a brick and mortar business, your online business is extremely cheap to set up. And the payoff for your small investment is that your reach extends around the globe…for merely pennies.

With powerful online advertising tools (Google Adwords, Yahoo Search Marketing, Miva, etc.) at your fingertips, you can literally be driving a stampede of prospects to your website…in less than 15 minutes! And it’s not that hard to learn, either. Sites like put this power in the reach of anyone.

Reason #6: With the Internet, you have the ability to test and track EVERYTHING you do (this is critical!).

Now, this isn’t the place to get into a lengthy discussion on testing and tracking. Suffice it to say, the Internet is the most powerful testing/tracking medium ever created.

No longer do you have to guess if your tapes and CDs are being listened to, or wonder if people are visiting your company’s crappy cloned website, or watching your video presentation. Every single action you want a prospect to take online can be precisely tracked. Most good webhosts give you visitor tracking, so you can see what type of traffic your site is getting. Then on top of that, you should be using good click tracking problems like Dynatracker or Adminder to see the clicks you get from your emails, websites, sales letters, postcards, etc. Track everything!

So if it’s not making you money – you get rid of it. And if it IS making you money, you ramp it up like crazy! (You can’t scale up your MLM business offline in the same quick and easy way you can online.)

Reason #7: Your barrier to entry is extremely low.

Like I said earlier, an Internet business is very inexpensive to start and maintain. Plus, the learning curve (and risk level) is not very steep. With the cyber-world, your prospecting playing field is finally leveled.

True, you may need to learn a few new things to put a powerful automated prospecting system in place, but it’s not difficult "work".

And guess what?…

You can even outsource anything you don’t want to do (or don’t want to learn how to do) – allowing you to focus on what you enjoy in life! That’s a luxury you typically don’t experience with "old-school" MLM.

You don’t have to master everything to experience massive online success!


Now let’s be honest….

Your MLM company will NOT share this information with you, and your upline won’t share it with you. They don’t like you to deviate from their "system"…the same system that fills their pockets, but makes normal distributors struggle. (Don’t get me wrong, I’m NOT telling you to scrap their system. There’s a reason they have it in place – and you should try it and see how it works for YOU.)

But, you must remember, you are in business for yourself and your family. Maximizing YOUR profits should be the number one goal you have! Don’t try to jam a square peg in a round hole.

Don’t forget I was in MLM myself and got the recognition, advancement, car payment bonus, exotic trip. So I know what you’re going through…sometimes it just plain sucks!

Frankly, there’s a reason 9 out of 10 networkers never achieve any success with their network marketing business…and that’s largely due to the fact that they blindly follow painful, outdated methods that aren’t in line with TODAY’S prospects and consumers. (If you’ve ever struggled to achieve enormous success in your business, you know what I’m talking about).

And here’s the "shocking" part. When you take a step back…you’ll see the company understands that most people drop out. But they drop out AFTER they bring in a few others, which is what keeps the company afloat. It scares the company when you create your own successful system that is NOT 100% reliant on the company for success. (I told you, I’m not here to win any popularity contests).

Truth is, if you want exceptional MLM results…you must do something different than what the masses are doing.

That’s why you simply MUST be using the Internet – because it allows you to be different AND avoid all the usual pain people experience when building a downline. You no longer have to suffer while building your business – you can do it on your terms.

Hopefully by now you realize whether you just want to sell more product, or recruit more people into your team, the web is hands-down the fastest, easiest way to get in front of the best, most-targeted prospects for your MLM business.

Stay tuned to for more "Online Prospecting Secrets" updates, sneak peeks, plus a very special "case study" that will illustrate what the Internet can do for your network marketing business (and your bank account)!

Wishing you much MLM success,

Chris Zavadowski

P.S. – In just 12 days, the face of online prospecting will change forever. Get the full scoop at

P.P.S. – What did you think of these 7 reasons? Are you anxious to use the Internet in your business? Already achieving massive success? Click "Comments" below and post your feedback now!


  1. Daegan Smith says:

    I’m with you buddy. Over the past 7 months I’ve used the Internet exclusively to grow a team of 2390+ people. It grows by 10 to 15 people a day all via the wonderful power of the internet.

    So listen to what Chris says. I am living proof that everything that he is speaking of is completely true!

    To the top,


  2. Linda Gingras says:

    Hi,all the 7 reasons seem very interesting and it bring up many frustrations of traditional mlm way of doing business. I’ve been wanting to use the net for a very long time because I know it is the way to go but I’m nervious of the internet and also to what extent I’m able to go to be truthful with the company I represent. I don’t want ti jeoperdize my position with this company. within the rules and regulations unsolicited mail is prohibited and that is my main problem with getting involved on the net.
    Maybe you could address this last comment and explain how I may go about working online without breaking rules and regulation of the company.
    Thank you.

  3. Hi Linda,

    Glad you enjoyed the report!

    You bring up good concerns. The OPS system focuses on a completely different way of having people come to YOU and pre-qualifying them for your business. You should NEVER use unsolicited email in anything you do (plus, it’s against federal law). With my system, you get a list of people who actually want to hear from you.

    Also, each company has slightly different rules on what you can and can’t say, but there are many ways you can tweak what you’ll learn from me to fit your situation. I have an MLM background myself, so I know what you have to face with company regulations.

    Hope that helps answer your questions,

    Chris 🙂

  4. chris says:

    You asked for comments on your tentative price point for the Online Prospecting course. $997 puts it out of reach for most folks. Frankly, I’d figured $299 or $399 would be where you price it. If you you have to finance it, it’s too much.

  5. Chris says:

    I tried to send a friend to the OPS site using my affiliate number, but it didn’t work. Can’t we do affiliate with OPS?

  6. Hi Chris,

    Actually, it’s not part of the public affiliate program right now and will only be open to our select affiliate partners for the next few months.

    BUT – if you’re an affiliate, one of the unique benefits you get is the ability to make commissions on our backend product sales. Which means if you send a customer over to and they end up buying Online Prospecting Secrets down the road…you can still earn commissions. (It’s very rare that affiliate programs offer that extra benefit).

    Hope that helps. And if you have further questions, feel free to use our support center to get more help!

    Thanks for being an affiliate,

    Chris 🙂
    PS – As for your post about the product price, thanks for your input. Stay tuned for a special update coming out in a few minutes that should address your concerns!

  7. Chris says:

    Thanks for your feedback. Glad if my comments were helpful, as were yours. Looking forward to tomarrow!

  8. ken says:

    i want to understand more about this mlm stuff. I met a guy yesterday who drove the nicest car that i have seen in my life and he said that he makes $45000 every month. he showed me a cheque. is that possible?

    this guy had no education. how can that be,

    with my masters degree i dont come close to that.

    could you recommend a good mentor


  9. Stephen says:


    My business is still not picking up and I agree completely with the 7 reasons. I mean let’s face it we are already in 2007 and I’m sure by 2010 most MLM companies are really going to be blaming themselves for not going automated with an online prospecting method.

    My question is if infact I can apply all these strategies into my MLM business without talking about my company product will I need to buy a domain website and fill it up with content information?

    If that’s the case aside from purchasing the OPS I guess I’ll have to factor in other expenses like domain name & hosting, pay-per-click costs, autoresponder costs etc. Right? Or is everything I need (without any major out of pocket expense) included in the OPS package?


  10. Downline says:

    Buliding and Maintaining a downline is a difficult task and is a big part of any MLM or Network Marketing business. I uses the following techniques to effectively manage my downline:

    1. Ask questions – guide your downline to the answer for their questions by asking the right questions

    2. Find each individuals strengths – find the strengths in each member of your downline and help them build their business utilizing there strengths.

    3. Lead, dont pressure – lleading is about ,successfully working the business so that your downline members will want to follow you on their own accord. Don’t add pressure.

    4. Manage your time – view yourself as a businessperson, and keep each conversation on task.

    5. Consistency is the key to success – create a list of simple business building tasks, and your members to keep a log of the tasks completed each day. Teach them that success depends on how many of these tasks they commit to completing on a consistent daily basis.

    6. Maintain communication – send team updates or newsletters via email to your downline at least every two weeks. Recognize achievements as much as possible.

    7. Know when to move on – you cant make anyone work. You can lead, but if one of your downline wont follow – it might be a better use of your time to find a more self-motivated person.

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