A Personal Favor for My Dad

Rich Zavadowski and Chris ZavadowskiChris here with a very personal update and favor for my Dad…

(FYI – a new article series and video training are in the works, so consider this post the calm before the next content storm. ) 🙂

Long-time subscribers may remember that years ago my Mom (Mary Ann) battled breast cancer.  Although it was difficult at the time, I pulled back the curtain to share that struggle with you in my email newsletter (back before blogs even existed).

With a great dose of humanity and understanding, my subscribers flooded her inbox with prayers, support and kind words that brought many smiles and helped her face the surgeries, treatment and the unknown.

Fortunately, she won that battle and has been cancer-free for 5+ years!  To celebrate, we held giveaways for you, tied in our sales events with the Susan G. Komen for the Cure charity foundation and much more.  I’m deeply grateful for the support you all gave her.

Now jumping ahead years later…

You may have realized that I’ve been “quieter” on the blog and with my emails for much of this year.  There’s a good reason for that.  And it’s time let you know why…

Toward the beginning of this year my Dad, Rich Zavadowski (one of my close friends, and also the creator of the “Government Contract Secrets” course my company publishes), became very ill…so bad that he had to stay home from work.

I’ll spare you all of the details, but the result was he looked like a pale ghost, with zero appetite or energy.

While the dozens of tests started to point toward a lymphoma, his lymph node biopsy continued to baffle the local pathologists and labs.  It took almost three months of chasing down doctors and labs (totally unacceptable when you’re dealing with someone’s life!) until we got everything over to the National Institutes of Health (NIH)…specifically the National Cancer Institute.

Then within days this top notch facility finally nailed things down and handed my Dad a confirmed diagnosis: Stage IV Peripheral T-cell Lymphoma, unspecified. 🙁

Basically his cancer was as advanced as it could be (appearing in his blood, lymph nodes, bone marrow and metastasized on his leg and a couple ribs).  While lymphoma is the fifth most common cancer among men and women in the USA (approximately 74,340 new cases in 2008 alone), the type my Dad has is very rare.

Because so few people have this, there’s not enough data in the medical community to suggest the ‘best’ treatment for this (heck, there’s not even a standard treatment for this).


If you know anyone with ANY type of cancer…get them to an NCI “Comprehensive Cancer Center“ — because as we’ve quickly come to learn, the quality of care and expertise in the cancer field is all over the map. There isn’t always one right treatment…but there are wrong ways to treat (our initial doctor had recommended a surgery and treatment that were TOTALLY unnecessary…and could have killed him!). When someone’s life is involved, don’t settle for only the local doc’s opinion…get an expert to weigh in.


National Cancer Institute

Well, after a few trying days and thinking long and hard about the options, my Dad decided to be part of a clinical trial (called a “protocol”) run by NIH’s NCI (a world-class, amazing facility that gets patients flying in from all over the place).

While it’s a much more aggressive treatment, with increased side effects and risks, it’s also something they are testing specifically for t-cell lymphomas.  It involves 5 days of steady chemotherapy…repeated every 3 weeks over a period of about 4 months.

Anyway, I promised him at the beginning of this journey that I’d be there for every doctor’s visit, test, treatment and more.   So that’s why I’ve been a little quieter this year — I’ve been helping Dad and Mom go through all of this, along with organizing all the test results, appointments and more.  (And MAJOR credit goes to Mom — Mary Ann — who helps him through this 24×7.  She’s an unsung hero in all of this!)

It’s times like these when you truly realize what a blessing having an online business is!

Now the National Cancer Institute estimates in January 2004 alone, there were 10.8 million Americans alive with a history of cancer.  And this year, 1,437,180 new cases are expected.  Survival rates have increased as detection *and* treatment methods have improved, but we’ve still got a long way to go.

Chances are you or a loved one have been touched by cancer, so you know first-hand how emotional and scary this journey is for an entire family.

That’s where YOU (and my personal favor) come in…

My Dad is going through chemotherapy as we speak, and soon he’ll receive follow-up test results showing how well treatment has worked so far.  (Regardless of the outcome, he still has several more months of getting knocked on his ass by the chemo.)

Just like I did with my Mom years ago, I’d like to ask you to leave a comment on this blog with an inspirational thought or ‘get well’ message for my Dad, Rich Zavadowski.

I’m going to print the comments off and put them in a “Happy Thoughts” binder I’ve created for him to chronicle the outpouring of support (and emails) we’ve been receiving from family and friends online.  Your kind words posted here will go directly into this special book for him.

With cancer and the drugs he’s on, there are some very tense, depressing days, so when he’s a little down or needs a “pick me up” to get his head back in the right place, he can just turn to any page and see how much positive energy is coming his way.  It’ll help give him strength for when he beats this cancer and returns back to a normal life!

Thanks in advance for this favor — and stay tuned for some new surprises coming to the blog as a big thank you!

Chris 🙂

P.S. – Let’s not forget..my Dad is now a part of the “solution” for cancer – he’s on the cutting edge of research helping them learn more about this crazy disease. And some day down the road when they cure it, he’ll have played his part in that.  You go, Dad. 🙂

P.P.S. — If you feel comfortable doing it, please leave him a positive note below on this blog post as he continues to battle this.  It would mean the world to him (and my Mom and me).

He’s facing a very aggressive, rare cancer and can use all the positive energy, prayers and good thoughts you can send.  We all know a smile and good thought can go a long way…and the right thoughts can change a life for the better!


  1. Paul Klein says:

    Hi Rich!

    My family and I are lifting you up in prayer. Nice inspiration from Chris to offer this space for you with thoughts and wishes from friends.
    My family has been touched by cancer, as have several friends. One close friend’s wife has been stricken with the lymphoma as well, and has been in great spirits most days, down some as well, but is receiving similar treatments.
    May your day be blessed, no matter what the cancer is doing. I pray that you and Chris have more years to share together!

    Paul Klein

  2. Barb says:

    Rich – all best wishes for a complete and speedy recovery. My thoughts are with you and your family as you journey through treatment back to health.

  3. Susan says:

    Hello Rich,
    My prayers are with you during your recovery. You must be a great dad because your awesome son has reached out to all of us to cheer you. It is not easy to be ill and chemo can be a real bear to fight. I was recently in a serious auto accident and a friend brought me silly movies and cartoon books to laugh at. There were times when my concentration was not there, but the comedies kept me laughing. I know they sped up my recovery. Try hard to keep laughter in your recovery. A positive attitude can create miracles! We are all behind you and pray you will soon be well.
    Blessed be Susan

  4. Gary says:

    Keep smiling, we are not defeated until we defeat ourselves.

    Good luck and best wishes.


  5. Penny Hilburn says:

    all the very best of strength, prayers and positive thoughts going your way!

  6. Dee Dee says:

    Rich and Chris,
    You are in my prayers. I agree with the many posters who have encouraged positive thoughts, and turning to God. I also wholeheartedly agree that doing natural things to bolster your already ravaged immune system during your treatments could be the key to sustaining your health. Although some question whether antioxidants and other types of nutritional support are helpful, I have seen research and have personal experiences that show otherwise. You just have to be careful to choose quality. There are many books out there that you might find interesting. One of my favorites is a book called The Healing Power of 8 Sugars. there is also some research in the arena of parasites and PH balance. I think there is some validity in all of it, but I wouldn’t say that any one approach is comprehensive all by itself. Some have suggested the power of positive thinking – I have looked into the Mozart Effect a little, and have come to the conclusion that it couldn’t hurt, and it is so inexpensive.
    I look forward to hearing updates about how well you are doing!

    Sharing Hope,

    Dee Dee

  7. Ron Nelson says:

    Hi Rich, Winston Churchill once said, “Never, never, never give up!” My thoughts and prayers are with you. Ron Nelson

  8. Hi Rich and Chris!

    I know that many prayers will include you right now, I will be praying as well! What a great and powerful thing prayer is!! I also want to mention laughter as a great medicine! Rent all the movies and old television shows that will make you laugh, a good hard belly laugh!! Do that as often as you can!!! The positive vibrations you will create can really help the healing!! When there are hard times, and the little voice in your head sounds negative, just tell it to be quiet and do something that brings you joy! God Bless You and Keep You!!

    Live life to its fullest!
    ~ Michelle

  9. gary schnitz says:

    Chris @Rich I know what your felling I myshelf lost my grilfriend to cancer so my prayers are with you both stay strong and may god be with you hope you the best GARY.

  10. Kevin says:

    Gary, In spite of the fact that I don’t know you, I would like to extend my best wishes and God’s blessings on you and your family. I know you and your family are going through a very trying time but hope you are all comforted by the prayers of your fellow Americans and friends. Kevin

  11. Lynn Rios says:

    Awhile back I ran across this quote and it hit me so hard I had to write it down and save it. I was cleaning the little pile of notes off of my desk just before I read my email and I thought…somebody out there needs to hear this…I wonder who it is. Then I read the email from Chris, so I guess God had me save this precious gem just for you!

    “I do not at all understand the mystery of grace – only that it meets us where we are but does not leave us where it found us.” — Anne Lamott

    Through the cycles of growth and pruning in our lives, we are able to grow closer to God and experience true relationship with Him. Sometimes the hardest of times prove to bear the most fruit, so I encourage you to lean on the Lord and all of the little details will take care of themselves.

    Your son is a very special guy to be so committed to both you and his mother. It speaks to your integrity that you have raised a son who knows the true meaning of “Honor thy father and thy mother, so that you may live long in the land the Lord your God is giving you.” EX 20:12

    I will remember you in my prayers.


  12. Focus on getting better & perfect health.

    You live forever in spirit, mind & soul.

    Love to you & all your family.

  13. Anthony says:

    Dear Rich,

    May the Lord be with you in your time of need.
    I wish you a speedy and full recovery.

    God Bless you.


  14. Kenneth Stoner says:


    Sorry to hear about your dad. I want you to know that as I remember from time to time
    I will be praying for not only your dad but for you and the whole family who in many ways suffer along with the afflicted. I don.t know if you are a born again believer in the LORD JESUS CHRIST or not but I pray that you, your family and your dad may truly believe on the LORD JESUS CHRIST and be saved.
    Just remember when the load gets heavy he tells us in HIS WORD that “We should cast on HIM our every care for he cares for us.”
    I wish you all well and pray that the treatment is successful.

    God Bless

  15. Anastacia says:

    I will keep you in my prayers. Be strong and never loose faith as you battle this disease. The Lord God is with you so you are not alone in this situation. Stay positive and do all you can to enjoy the fruits of life and live fully everyday. Treasure every moment with your family. There is HOPE! Get well.

  16. Sheila says:

    Hi Rich,
    My prayers and good thoughts are with you!

    You’ve raised an amazing son, and he’s a blessing to this community. Thank you for Chris, and for your generous spirit.

    I’m certain your angels are walking with you through this journey, and are guiding you every step of the way. I’m glad you found the right doctors to help you.

    May you have the peace that passes all understanding. “Trust in the Lord with all of your heart, and lean not on your own understanding, In all of your ways, acknowledge Him and He shall direct your paths.”

    God bless you and your family! Please let us know when you’re healthy again 🙂

  17. Don says:

    Attend to my words, incline your ear to my sayings.
    Do not let them depart from your eyes;
    keep them in the midst of your heart;
    For they are LIFE to those who find them and HEALTH to all their flesh.

    Proverbs 4:20-22

  18. Bobby C. Jetton says:

    God Bless You Many thousand people have beat cancer and lived happily after it. So with God’s blessing you will too.
    Sincerely, Bobby

  19. Jerry Reeder says:

    Hello Chris and Rich,

    I just read Chris’ email after taking my mother to the Cross Cancer institute in Edmonton. She just finished her first week of Chemotherapy. My thoughts and heart are with you Rich.

    May both our loved parents have fast and speedy and recoveries.

  20. Emori Toloi says:

    My heart cries out for you. I lost my dear wife about 16 months ago to cancer and it was not an easy time for her as well as for me and our 10-year old son. But I’m always encouraged by the memory she left behind – especially how she chose to remain positive and continued to impart to us what ever positive instructions she could offer for our physical, mental, psychological and spiritual wellbeing.

    Her physical health may have been deteriorating, but in all other areas, she was a source of inspiration, encouragement and a tower of strength. She chose to continue to serve us faithfully in those areas right to the end – despite all odds.

    Sometimes, just dwelling on positive thoughts and how our life’s experience can be used to serve others do bring about great satisfaction, comfort and real peace of mind.

    As far as your physical condition is concerned, I don’t know whether this piece of information would help improve your health but there’s no harm in learning about this revolutionary product called x2o – a water-based nutritional product that helps fully hydrate your entire body, provides 70 plus trace minerals (in the exact form your body recognizes and can use straight away), and helps alkalize your body. It is a medical and scientific fact that the cells of a diseased body are acidic while the cells of a healthy body are alkaline. As Dr. Otto Warberg ( 1931 noble prize winner – Physiology) stated, “if your internal environment is changed from an acidic, oxygen-deprived environment to an alkaline environment full of oxygen,,,,viruses, bacteria and fungus cannot live”. And again in his book “Alkalize or Die”, Dr. Theodore Baroody stated, “The counless names attached to illness do not really matter. What does matter is that they all come from the same root cause: too much tissue acid waste in the body”.

    [ADMIN EDIT – Personal MLM Referral Links Removed. Our company and sites need to stay generic as we train for all different companies and products/services. We don’t want to set a precedent for blatant advertising in blog comments. The URL field should be used for putting your site. Thanks for understanding and for your support and kind words!]

    I wish I had fully known about this particular product when my wife was still around. But i believe in sharing information that could help improve the lives of others and it is my sincere prayer and hope that you will soon find the solution to your health challenges and the strength and the determination to positively move on in life no matter what comes.

  21. Fred Raley says:

    Hi Rich,

    Keep your spirits up. I am not sure what the real mechanism is but they say that positive, happy people live longer. I know this may not seem like a great time to be happy but heavens, it’s worth a try. SMILE!

    Like everyone else, we know your super great son Chris. Know that you have done a great job in raising him with superb values and leadership qualities.

    We will keep you in our thoughts and prayers for a speedy recovery and steady hands and minds for your caregivers.

  22. Fredi Olson says:

    Dear Rich,

    FYI, been there, done that. I’m almost at the end of my five years! It can be done and you can do it too! I hope you get some days where you can feel human again. That will help to re-energize you and keep you going.

    I’m pulling for you and keeping you in my thoughts and prayers.

    Love to you and your family.


  23. Marion says:

    Dear Rich,

    That is some son you have in Chris!

    You must have a lot of faith right now that God will bring you through this illness. I will say prayers for you and your family.

    Heavenly Father,

    Please be with Rich as he goes through these draining cancer treatments. Wrap your arms around him, hold him tight, and give him the strength to carry on. Heal his body from head to toe so that he may live many more years to be a faithful servant to you. Also give his family the strength to get through the pain of seeing a loved one suffering. Give them your blessing of healing dear Lord.

    In Jesus Name

    God Bless YOU!

  24. Hi Chris and Rich:

    My prayers are with you. You both will be Blessed. Continue to seek the best medical help available, and remain positive. Your loving son is doing the right thing by seeking the support of those who are out in the world every day fighting negative influences. Some of us have been through what you are being challenged with now and some of us have not. Prayers are good no matter the source. You and your Dad have mine and they are for his recovery.

    Be Blessed,

    M. Loretta Gray,
    A fellow Net-worker

  25. nancy Hendricks says:

    You will win this fight and yes there will be good days and bad days; but the good days will outweigh the bad days.

  26. Viv Deighton says:

    Hi There Rich & Chris

    The power of many praying for one should never be dismissed. My prayers are with you through this challenging time in your life.

    “Prayer also offers you a way to leave the perspective of your challenges for a moment and commune at the level of God.”

    In peace, light and with blessings
    Viv Deighton

  27. Rob Couty says:

    Mr. Zavadowski,

    I wish you nothing but the absoutle best in your fight and I know the Good Lord will be with you as you overcome this illness. Know we all are behind you and are prayering for you every day.

    Rob Couty

  28. Keats Boyd III says:

    Chris & Rich:

    My family has also been impacted by cancer. Just over a year ago my sister was diagnosed with stage three melanoma. It was a very difficult year for her and our entire family. Her cancer was just one more problem our family has had to face. My father-in-law, like you Rich, has a form of lymphoma, my cousin had to fight (and beat) leukemia, my wife’s step-father had a fall 6 years ago and has had to live with a spinal cord injury that has confined him to a wheel chair. Finally, my sister’s husband and my wife’s sister have both been fighting MS for several years.

    There’s one thing I’ve learned from each of my family members – a positive attitude will make a huge difference. Each of my affected family members have each in their own way demonstrated incredible bravery. No complaints, no “poor me”. Just an honest determination to fight the best battle they can. Each of them more concerned for their family than for themselves.

    I only hope that if I find myself in a similar situation I can respond as bravely.

    My family has, in a strange way, been blessed. First, we have not yet lost anyone to their illness. God willing, it will stay that way for a long time. Second, they have each been, in their own unique way, an amazing example of courage and faith for our children and the rest of us. I do not want any of them to bear the burdens that they have, yet I have learned so much from each of them.

    It has left me determined to do something to help. My approach has been to help find a cure. I’m using my website to raise $1,000,000 to find a cure.

    Chris – your approach is wonderful and so personal. Rich, you and you family will be in my prayers. My God bless you.

    Keats Boyd III

  29. Trevor Baret says:

    Dear Chris and Rich,

    So many are touched by cancer in this world today. I am sorry to hear about your current situation.

    I am aware of the feelings which Chris must be experiencing now, as I too, had my father ill with cancer a little over two years ago. When a father and son are friends, there is a special bond which is (sadly) often left unspoken. I was fortunate to have had the time to be sure that all that needed to be said was said and felt in the heart, before my father’s very aggressive and terminal cnacer took his life. No therapy was available for him…

    For Rich, I wish the greatest success with your treatment, and a very long, happy and healthy life ahead.

    For Chris, I wish the strength and stamina to be able to support your father (as you have apparently already done) for the difficult times ahead during his recovery.

    For you both, I wish you all of the love you could possibly want and need, and the times to share in the ways that only a loving father and son can possibly know.

    My prayers are with you both.
    Live well and prosper,

    Trevor Baret

  30. Jilian S says:

    Dear Chris & Rich,

    My thoughts and prayers go out to both of you. Praying that all will be well and the treatment works.

    Rich, keep your spirits up. Prayer is such an amazing healer!

    Les Brown is one of my favourite mentors .
    “The good times we put in our pocket. The hard times we put into our heart.” — Les Brown

    You are all putting these hard times into your hearts. I know this just from the way Chris does his business online. Having a son like him is a wonderful thing!

    With God’s blessings all will work out.
    Love and Prayers for all of you.

  31. Rick says:

    Dear Rich

    Wishing you the very best and my thoughts and prayers are with you.

    May you and your family be strong during this time of challenge.


  32. Ed Blake says:

    Well, Rich, my email address ed7640 tells you my birthdate 7-6-40. Seven years ago, I was hit by me second cancer. First one was not that bad, just a spot on the ear that came off in three hours, including reconstructive surgery. But in 2001, it was Prostate, and I lived the fear that comes with that notice. Both my parents had it when they died, years ago, and it scared me silly. I was to be in the hospital for six days after surgery to remove the Prostate, and it was 22 days before I got out. A little mistake caused me five more surgical procedures, with a couple days in the hospital each time through 2002. I was still scared.

    What I saw in those around me, my wife, and friends who visited, along with my care-givers, made me try to make sure that my fear was not transferred to them. I will bet you have felt the same. You don’t know me, nor does your son, but when we all get through the events, we certainly know that not only is God with us, He is here constantly, with each and every one of us. I pray for your comfort and recovery, and your knowledge that God is with you.

    Most sincerely,

    Ed Blake

  33. Eugene says:

    Dear Rich,
    I am 78 years young and was diagnosed of prostate cancer 5 years ago.
    I was scared.soon after I found a massagingbed which emmit cancer cel
    killing Far Infrared Rays.It keeps me in shape ever since,but the most
    important thing I learned is the positive attitude and believe in GOD.
    I like jokes,funny movies and laugh a lot,that helps too.I recommend
    to watch funny movies everyday and laugh a lot,that can cure you
    with GOD’s help,so keep on laughing even when you have pain.
    You are in my everyday prayers.

    GOD bless you


  34. Rosie says:

    Keep in prayer. We’ve gone through it and with many prayers we have stayed strong. Though it is easier said than done to stay positive, we looked at each day we are given positively, and with faith and gratitude we can see things in a better light. It is hard, and we know where you are at , 2 + many times over. Our prayers are with you and may you receive strength and blessings in many ways. There is hope so hold on to that. With continued prayers your way, God Bless.

  35. Johann Malherbe says:

    Dear Chris & Rich,
    I would rather be practical and suggest something that might relieve some of the suffering. I have had success with SPORTRON’s ULTRAGARD and PHYTOGARD, both for fighting & preventing cancer, and preventing the bad effects of Chemo therapy.
    I live in South Africa, but I believe you can also get these products in the USA – do an internet search.
    Off Course my prayers will also be with you.

    Johann Malherbe

  36. Ron F. says:

    Hi Rich, Keep your faith In Hi Gear, as all the previous responses to Chris’ request asked that you do.God is the Master Physician and can assist your doctors. Rich some thirty years ago I found myself in a similar mindset as your Chris in the way I felt toward my Mom, and I had gone across the border to meet with Dr.Ernesto Contreras.(actually 37 years ago), Now is far better information around the world.

    [ADMIN EDIT – Personal MLM Links/Advertising Removed. Our company and sites need to stay generic as we train for all different companies and products/services. We don’t want to set a precedent for blatant advertising in blog comments. We have a URL field for people to put their site. Thanks for understanding and for your support and kind words.]

  37. Eric Francois says:

    Hi Chris

    Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever. He is still a healer.

    [ADMIN EDIT – Personal MLM Referral Links Removed. Our company and sites need to stay generic as we train for all different companies and products/services. We don’t want to set a precedent for blatant advertising in blog comments. The URL field should be used for putting your site. Thanks for understanding.]

  38. WOW! What an outpouring of LOVE here! 😉

    I want to share with you a powerful process that shifted things for me in amazing ways —
    Choose a time when you have 15 minutes to yourself. Lie down and read this list slowly to yourself:

    It is natural for my body to be well.
    Even if I don’t know what to do in order to get better, my body does.
    I have trillions of cells with individual Consciousness, and they know how to achieve their individual balance.
    When this condition began, I didn’t know what I know now.
    If I had known then what I know now, this condition couldn’t have gotten started.
    I don’t need to understand the cause of this illness.
    I don’t need to explain how it is that I’m experiencing this illness.
    I have only to gently, eventually, release this illness.
    It doesn’t matter that it got started, because it’s reversing its course right now.
    It’s natural that it would take some time for my body to begin to align to my improved thoughts of Well-Being.
    There’s no hurry about any of this.
    My body know what to do.
    Well-Being is natural to me.
    My Inner Being is intricately aware of my physical body.
    My cells are asking for what they need in order to thrive, and Source Energy is answering those requests.
    I’m in very good hands.
    I will relax now, to allow communication between my body and my Source.
    My only work is to relax and breathe.
    I can do that.
    I can do that easily.

    Now just lie there and enjoy the comfort of the mattress beneath you – and focus upon your breathing – in and out. Your goal is to be as comfortable as possible, forcing nothing.
    You are likely to begin feeling soft, gentle sensations in your body. Smile, and acknowledge that this is Source Energy specifically answering your cellular request. You are now feeling the healing process. Do nothing to try to help it or intensify it. Just relax and breathe- and allow it.

    If you’re experiencing pain when you laid down, follow the same process however, it would be helpful for you to add these words to your written and spoken list:

    This sensation of pain is an indicator that Source is responding to my cellular request for Energy.
    This sensation of pain is a wonderful indicator that help is on the way.
    I will relax into this sensation of pain because I understand that it’s indicating improvement.

    Now, if you can, drift off to sleep. Smile in your knowledge that All-is-Well. Breathe and relax – and trust.

    You are loved!
    –Mary K

    ¸..· ´¨¨)) -:¦:-
    ¸.·´ .·´¨¨))
    ((¸¸.·´ ..·´ -:¦:-
    -:¦:- ((¸¸.·´* Light


  39. Bob says:

    Chris –

    If you can get him onto a diet of only alkaline and alkaline-promoting foods and get his pH up to 7.0 and above, no cancer can survive in an alkaline body. 100% of people with cancer have pH below 7.0. Read the book Alkalize Or Die, for instance.

    A fast way to get his pH down is with bicarbonate of soda.

    You can Google all the above.

  40. Nina Nestoroff says:

    Hello Zavadowski Family,
    My thoughts and prayers are with you. I know this is a scary time for all of you, but keep your faith in God and He will comfort you.


    Nina Nestoroff

  41. elias says:

    God is going to bring you through those challenges for you to be more stronger Bible says that Jesus came so that we can have life—abundant life! abundance of wisdom, an abundance of peace and health — everything you need Remember, your praise opens the door for Him to move on your behalf .

    i will ask jesus for you always , God bless you.

  42. Carolyn McClendon says:

    Dear Rich,

    My thoughts and prayers are with you. Although we don’t know the reason for God’s challenges in our lives, His path is always the perfect one. Keep your eyes on your bright and healthy future and stay positive. Know that your son has gathered a group of people together that through him feel an attachment to you and want to see you whole, healthy and filled with joy.

  43. Margarita Nomeikiene says:

    Dear Chris at first :))))

    Thank you for letter and opportunity to say my kindest words for you . A special for you personal and for everybody who are near loving ill people. I know – your’s pain is sometimes much bigger than people’s who is in ill. ( excuse my bad English:)))
    I know this situation, because many years ago I was diagnosed from breast cancer . I can’t forget the eye of my dear son and daughter, my husband and others. I clearly know, that my live was saved from hers pray. Be strong in your’s believe – all by right ! All must be right!

    Dear Rich – Dad !
    Take my best wishes and pray for you! I know, you are a winner! What I can to suggest for you like a ,,Olympic coacher” from illness.:)))? There you must take a tactic like a ,,silent war” , because this enemy ,,mr./ mrs.Cancer” very want you a are left yours power on war. But you have a very special gun – there is your love for the life and for dear people you are loving. Never let the enemy be most important against your’s love! Take in your’s hands Olympic flame – this flame is Big Love for Life!

    Margarita from Lithuania.

  44. Sylvia says:

    Dear Mr. Zavadowski,
    My thoughts and prayers are with you. Get Chris to find the video of Randy Pausch’s final seminar. It is a great inspiration to us all.


  45. Nikhil Gangoli - Buddhism guide says:

    Hello Rich,

    I have a website on spirituality and so I have read something on death and the fear of death.

    I would like to recommend 3 books to you. They are

    1) The Tibetan Book on Living and Dying by Sogyal Rinpoche – This is a book on Tibetan Buddhism. It is a modern spiritual classic and is filled with inspiring accounts of persons facing death and how they dealt with it.

    2) Life after Life by Raymond Moody – This book explores Near Death experiences and tells us by first hand experience why there are reasons to believe that life continues after death.

    3) No Death No Fear – by Thich Nhat Hanh – there are exercises and meditations in this book that may be very useful for you in facing the emotional turmoil that you are going through right now.

    I do not want to be depressing or pessimistic but your being at peace with the prospect of your own passing may pave the way for your cure. Please also visit your pastor and take his advice.

    All the best and and I will hope and pray for your speedy recovery.



  46. Helen Neidhardt says:

    Dear Rich,

    I just read an article by Dr. Michael Samuels about “guided imagery”. He says that it enhances the immune system as a whole which defends the body against viruses, bacteria and cancer cells and that it can lower pain and alleviate the side effects of chemotherapy.He lists these websites: http://www.guidedimageryinc.com and http://www.healfaster.com for CDs Maybe they also have healing music.

    God has a plan for each of us and it’s not always what we would choose on our own. We have to have faith that something good will come out our pain. It must be very comforting to have the support of your loving family. I’m glad that Chris has reached out to us on your behalf.

    Good Luck to you!

    Chris..I don’t know your family’s religious beliefs but I’m sure there are thousands of people on your email lists who would join in prayer for your dad. The power of prayer is indisputable. Why not send the word out for a day and time so we all send our prayers out together. The more people joined in prayer the more powerful the prayer becomes even if we all choose our own words!

  47. Howard says:

    Hi! Chris,

    I’d simply like to send out this “Get Well” blessing to your father in hopes that it finds
    him in good spirits and well being. Lets keep praying for him. I’d also ask, that you not give up hope and try to keep yourself motivated in the things your are trying to acheive in life as well.

    Very Sincerely,

    A Friend on your list!

  48. Helen S Pierce says:

    Dear One as the Zavadowski family —
    Having learned to concentrate on what I want and to return to that thought again and having glimpsed that what we are involved in as Earthlings is beyond amazing, I offer this:
    How shall the mighty river
    reach the tiny seed?
    See it rise silently
    to the sun’s yearning,
    sail from a winter’s cloud
    flake after silent flake
    piling up layer upon layer
    until the thaw of spring
    to meet the seedling’s need.

    Make tender, Lord, my heart
    release through gentleness
    Thine own tremendous power
    hid in the snowflake’s art.
    Antoinette Adam

    In the Name of the Christ,
    Blessings of Love, Helen

  49. Tomas says:

    Hey there Rich, Tomas here from the UK.

    WOW i have just finished reading the previous letters of LOVE and BEST WISHES that your ‘friends’ have expressed to you. Well I would like to add my strongest feelings to you and your family in this period in your life. You MUST be in a positive frame of mind to agree to be part of this amazing clinical trial so that, my friend, is half the battle. Rich continue this positive path and leave any negative thoughts behind. God bless you Mr R. Love and best wishes. Tomas

  50. Brabara Ross says:

    Dear Rich,

    I just wanted to send you my best wishes and let you know you’ll be in my thoughts and prayers as you battle this cancer. I have known many people who were given no chance of survival and are now cancer free and enjoying life. So stay strong and know that there are lots of people rooting for you and sending tons of good wishes and prayers your way.

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