I’ve been getting lots of questions from people wanting more details about the upcoming Online Prospecting Secrets home study course. One of the big questions is: “What’s the price on this gonna be???” (And I’m guessing you’re asking the same question yourself).
Now I’m still working on the final website, “special edition” bonuses and more – but I do want to address your “price” concerns right up front. (I can tell you – you definitely won’t need to take out a special loan from the bank) 😉
But before we get specifically into price – let me warn you that this information is definitely NOT for everybody.
It is FOR YOU if you want a new, painless way to bring fresh prospects into your business. And it is FOR YOU if you want to have a prospecting system set up that brings the prospects to you instead of you having to chase after them. If that’s the case, then I can promise you the system revealed in this course can be responsible for at least an extra six-figure revenue stream or addition to your business (assuming you actually do something with what you learn).
It’s an absolute no-brainer! (Unless you have a ‘know-it-all’, close-minded attitude. Or you like to whine and complain. In that case – please, please do us both a favor and save everyone a bunch of headaches by allowing somebody else to get their “special edition” version and profit from this information. In fact, you should probably stop reading right now. 🙂 )
It is also FOR YOU if you are a just starting out on the Internet and/or in MLM, but you’re very, very serious about building a profitable prospecting system online. This six-week home study course is a golden opportunity to be provided with a true shortcut and roadmap from multiple experts who have all made it happen and who USE what they teach.
So back to the original question – what kind of price tag should I put on this information?
To be honest, this is going to be one of the biggest bargains you’re going to get from me. Truth be told, all of the guest experts charge anywhere between $500 to $725 per hour for consulting (assuming you could even hire them – in many cases, you can’t). So with over 13.5 hours of A-to-Z training, it would cost you a very real $6,750.00 to hire all of us to teach you this system.
One colleague argued that I should consider charging half of that price ($3,375.00) for the step-by-step course. I seriously considered it, but in the end I decided against that. I wanted to put this into the hands of serious folks WITHOUT price being a barrier. (When I was first starting out with the Internet, something that pricey would have been a huge stretch for me. So I know how you feel!)
That’s why I’m thinking of only charging just $997. That’s a big savings off the true value and this should put it into the reach of anyone who really needs and wants it. That’s a drop in the bucket when you consider this is a REAL automated business system I’m teaching you.
Plus, to make it even more affordable I’m even toying around with the idea of a payment plan. Of course, payment plans are a big accounting headache (bleh!) but I think it would really help some people who are on the fence.
Now none of this is set in stone yet so don’t hold me to it.
I’m not 100% sure about the price, or that I’ll offer a payment plan. However since I’ve had so many people asking me about the price – I wanted to take you behind the scenes a bit and give you a peek into what I’m thinking. If you’d like to voice your opinion, please post some comments below. This is your chance to weigh in!
And stay tuned for more updates over this weekend!
Chris 🙂
P.S. – Right now, I’m in DC as a VIP guest at Yanik Silver’s Underground Online Seminar (the premier advanced Internet marketing event). If you’re at the event yourself, please come up to me in the back and say “hi”! And if you can’t find me, just ask someone for the online prospecting ninja. 😉
Thanks….still trust you to do the right thing.
I am weighing…….finding the money, actually, to get the best system ever devised for bringing people to YOU and building your OWN business (list) instead of having all of your names in the possession of the parent MLM company.
In addition, I had planned on getting Jim Edwards outstanding program now being introduced, again to get YOUR OWN names and build a list with the incredible tool which he is offering.
And finally, I was going to take that last deal from Tracy Biller for the gazillion MLM names and utilize the two ideas AND the names to finally strike gold.
Then this guy Chris drops a note on me and throws my whole battle plan into a what if.
Of course, when your “plan” is THAT weak, it wasn’t good in the first place.
Being a customer of yours, there is that trust factor, for I am completely “OK” with my “Sales Letter” course , but I also bought from Jim Edwards as well. OK, and Cory, and (ad infinitum)
If this is in that range which you suggest, I cannot do it without re working my plan, for I am through being in hard times due to one after another million dollar deal getting creamed from some Fed slime with my Massive ***** income of twenty years ago, then just as I was “rolling”, ******* took the biggest lie campaign and massive evil in MLM history, another shame, for the product was/is good, results were obtained, a very distributor friendly company, etc
Best to you
Bob Cadle