I’d like to introduce you to my friend Mike McClary…
I first met Mike myself when he joined a special mastermind group I help host starting last year.
At the time, Mike was like most folks. A 9-to-5 job, a house and family. However he didn’t have the one thing he wanted most…FREEDOM. (Sound familiar?)
You see, up until recently Mike was a corporate executive working a desk job for TWENTY-THREE YEARS.
But last month, that ALL changed. Mike QUIT his long-time career to stay at home full time with his children and family. (I still remember talking to him on his last day in March…and how EXCITED he was!)
So what changed everything for Mike over the last year?
Having never sold a physical product online before April 2013, in the last year Mike has built up a business that makes $53,244 EACH month!
He simply followed a step-by-step automated system to sell physical products online leveraging Amazon.com.
Having Mike in my mastermind group, I’ve seen him go from $0 to $50k+ month firsthand. I know his business. I know his products. Plus I started alongside him and built up a new six-figure income stream myself (more about that later), so I know these numbers are real.
That’s why I urge you to check out his case study now… http://lifetimemarketingsuccess.com/-meetmike.html
There’s no email address required. But I do recommend you check out the rest of the free video series offered on that page. They outline the exact same system Mike (and I) followed to have success.
More goodies to come this week. Keep an eye out!
Wishing you the best,
P.S. – Want to join the same mastermind group that Mike is part of? Stay tuned. I’ll tell you how you can join us — for free — in a few days.
Until then, check out Mike’s six-figure case study: http://lifetimemarketingsuccess.com/-meetmike.html
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