Remember the special Customer Appreciation VIP Webinar event I held right before Christmas with an all-star (and all-content) line-up of guests?
Well, we originally planned for it to last only two hours, but once we all got rolling and sharing our best strategies for what’s working NOW in 2009 – it blew up to a whopping FOUR SOLID HOURS of free content.
(Yes – I knew everyone was going to give awesome content for the holidays, but it totally surprised me how long we went…and how long people stayed. There was *nothing* sold during the event – and we raised over $8,300 for charity.)
Now if you missed the sold out webinar – you’re in luck!
The free replay of my now-famous Customer Appreciation VIP Webinar and Charity Event is posted for you! (Keep reading for access details.)
In addition to yours truly, this killer event also featured my top notch marketing friends Jim Edwards, James Grandstaff, Daegan Smith, Yanik Silver and Perry Belcher. Which means this is a serious 6-for-1 ‘ticket’!
Also because this is 4 hours of 100% content, I’ve gone through and edited the replay a bit – and added a table of contents. That way it’s a lot easier for you to navigate. 🙂
Now I could personally rave all day about how amazing this replay video is, but instead, take a peek at the comments that have poured in from live webinar attendees:
“I am shifting my whole focus on how I do business in the next year from the information I received on tonight’s webinar. You all did a great job and for a great cause. Every webinar I’ve ever been on that you’ve done Chris, you’ve ALWAYS, ALWAYS over delivered and this time you’ve outdone yourself!
And in the sprit of giving all of the speakers gave such awesome content, ideas and strategies that my head is spinning. I know just implementing a few of the ideas I picked up tonight will quantum leap the results I’m currently getting. Thanks you Chris, you all ROCK!”
— Ed Reiner
“I was glued to my chair and learned a lot went through 2 pens and a full note book thanks. I never new about twitter and i loved the viral concept for free trafic I have done my space and im on yahoo the next biggest thing. i think it all works together though and that is where millions will be made.” — John S.
“An eye opener! I really like the action steps, as well as the website address so I can do more research on improving different ways to interact and prospect new friends and clients! Almost everything that was talked about was pretty new to me! And if I did know about it I wasn’t doing it, so I will really get my butt in gear..the possibilities are endless!! And I can’t wait to get on twitter!!”
— Samantha Lee
“WOW! Never had so much content in one call! My biggest take aways were Daegan’s simple use of autoresponder to build a list. Perry’s how to get a good following using twitter and facebook. Jim’s Reverse op in page – give good info first. Yanik’s Finding the right mndset and finding what your asset is and outsource the rest… not to mention how to trick yourself to get things done! James’s create good content and let others sell it and grow your list for you. Chris’ Testing at least 100 results/sales and testing over a longer period of time! Fabulous points!”
— Eli Gonzalez
“I’ve been to many webinars recently. And this is absolutely is the best one! Looking forward to more from you. Let me know how I can help. Keep up the great work! This is an honest group of professional marketers helping educate new marketers to help themselves. My #1 take away is that your potential is unlimited and multiplied when you help others!” — Donnie Dixon
And you can see MANY more raving comments about this totally free event on the replay page.
Check it all out here:
Now I’m literally 13 minutes away from setting sail on an 8-day cruise – and I’m totally unplugging (no email, no Internet, no noise!)…but I wanted my last email for the next few weeks to be this replay to you.
Who loves you, baby? 😉
So until next time, I’d love to hear your feedback on the webinar. Drop me a line and I’ll read it when I get back home!
Happy new year,
Chris Zavadowski 🙂
P.S. – This content-packed replay will NOT be online for very long. In fact I’ll probably pull it down at the end of January so we can use the top notch content in a few other ways. So if you want to profit in 2009 from this step-by-step cutting-edge business information, grab your pen and paper and watch it right away.
P.P.S. – Want to meet up in PERSON? Come join me at Yanik Silver’s
It’s the premier online marketing seminar. Plus since Yanik is running the show, it’s not only profitable, but super FUN. (It’s a “James Bond” theme this year, he’s bringing in a big celebrity and when you see the key note speaker your jaw will hit the floor!)
I’ve attended every one of these since the beginning and even spoke twice at last year’s seminar. I wouldn’t dream of missing this awesome experience.
Check it out yourself here:
(And if you’re coming, let me know – I would love to meet you in person!)
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