3 Surefire Places to Find Long-Lasting Mentors

If you’re like most people, you probably hear about mentors and coaches all the time – and how important it is to have them for different areas of your life.

But the question everyone needs to ask is where do you actually start finding these great people?

With that in mind, here are three tried-and-true places to find long-lasting mentors that can change your life for the better.

HOT SPOT #1) While a mentor is commonly thought of as someone you interact with one-on-one in a live setting, a mentor or coach can also be a book, CD or course where you get access to an expert in some topic.

For me, that was HUGE just starting out, since I had no name recognition (or big accomplishments in business) to bend someone’s ear.

One thing to remember when looking for a mentor is that you’re asking THEM to make a time investment.  Which means you must show you’re actually worth the time you want them to take (versus the majority of people who can talk a good game, but who don’t take action).

By investing in their resources first – and taking action – you show them you are serious about the commitment needed.

HOT SPOT #2) Another great place to find mentors is via live events.  If there’s a certain expert you want to learn from, he or she most likely hosts live training events.  This not only puts you closer to the expert, but also helps you network with other like-minded people in your situation.

In many cases, you’ll make new long-term friends at these events…people who will support you (and vice versa) for years to come!

The key with using this method is you should expect to attend several events.  You must show growth, action and accomplishment from one event to the next.  That’s the main way people will believe in your investment toward your goals.

HOT SPOT #3) Once you’ve shown a serious level of commitment, you’ll want to pursue a mastermind group or coaching program.

I’ll be honest – some are hit or miss (and you should cut bait as soon as an association is dragging you down). But if you do your homework right, you can end up in a room with some people who are top notch players…which puts you closer to a mentoring relationship with the “expert” (who many times will facilitate the event).  However, it also puts you in direct contact with other men and women of action.

Often times you’ll find a mentor (or partnership) from the other people in the room.  In fact going through these steps will be more than just financial success to you.  It results in great friendships with many people.

Now keep in mind, a mentor does NOT have to be someone who is a “big name” either — just someone who can help you get to where you need to go. There are millions of people out there who are more successful than you and me…and who would be willing to give back and help someone else.

Personally, I went through the exact same progression above.  I bought everything I could get my hands on and started going to live events.  In fact two of my very close friends, Yanik Silver and Jim Edwards, started out as people I just bought products from.  Then they saw me at live events and saw me taking action.

Next I moved into a mastermind program…and now, years later, I’m great friends and business partners with them. We’ve gone on trips together, hung out with each others families, and have worked together for years.

A lot of this happens because you take action, get results and make sure your future mentors are aware of it.  That’s key!

By the way, sometimes a mentor relationship starts from simply writing a letter or getting a meeting with someone and asking for the help. Yes, it can be that simple!

Many people don’t ASK for, TAKE ACTION on and PERSEVERE for what they want — that’s one of the big “secrets” to making it happen.

(c) Copyright Chris Zavadowski.  All Rights Reserved.


Chris Zavadowski, 2007-2008’s Coach of the Year, has gained top recognition online and offline for his unique ways of growing businesses with the Internet.  Chris has served as an online mentor for thousands of business.  For more of his breakthrough online marketing resources and to find out about the first ever collection of fill-in-the-blank network marketing sales letters templates along with his other proven tools, visit http://www.InstantMLMSalesLetters.com


Note: If you’d like to reprint this article on your blog or in your newsletter you have permission to do so as long as the copyright information and the resource box above remain with the article.


Please feel to leave your comments below.  I’d love to know what you thought of the article, as well as what places YOU use for finding great mentors!

Will This Add $6k to Your Business, Too?

Chris here with a quick story…

Back in early 2004, I attended an event in Orlando called the “Triple Your Profits” workshop.  It was a small, SOLD OUT 3-day program taught entirely by an underground force in the marketing world who finally came out into the spotlight.

The content was so good that on the breaks, I would rush up to my room to implement what I was learning.  From several key ideas I picked up, my entire business changed (practically overnight).

Almost immediately, I increased profits from PPC marketing by an additional $500+ month (which kept going up and up!)…that’s over $6k more net every year!

From new traffic methods to new business systems that allowed me to automate much more of my life…my online company and projects went to the next level as a direct result of the workshop.

If you’ve ever had any experiences like this workshop, you know they don’t come along very often. In fact I can count them all on one hand! 😉

Anyway, back to the story…

A few months later, the recordings from the event were reworked into a “home study” version and thousands of copies were sold online teaching people an A-to-Z system for pummeling your website and business with online traffic.  All based on that one-time event in 2004.

Then the course was taken off the market, as some of the methods needed to be dusted off, reworked and updated.

Well, after a LONG wait, the new “2.0” version of this groundbreaking program is being released tomorrow, 7/15.

And it’s being done in a way that virtually EVERYONE can get access to it (FORGET the big $2,000 packages all the ‘gurus’ are pushing these days!).

As part of the preview series leading up to this relaunch, the ‘former unknown’ marketer has posted some awesome free videos online sharing several killer traffic strategies and business growth tips for your business.

Head over here to watch these cool free videos tonight:
Free Traffic Videos

You’ll also get a big kick out of the production values on these videos.  The first 60 seconds alone will definitely “WOW” you!

Plus you’re sure to pick up some great new ways to bring prospects and leads into your business.

Be sure to check them out right away while you still can!

Wishing you the best,

Chris Z. 🙂

P.S. — You know, with a new promotion happening online every week, I’m very careful who I endorse.  In fact, 95% of the launches get a big “NO” from me for one reason or another…and you’ll never hear a peep from me about them.

However, this time, I felt obligated to let you know about these new FREE videos and inexpensive system.


Not only because I’ve seen the new version myself, but because I was there at the beginning of this training system (yes, I paid for it!)…and experienced *REAL* RESULTS in my business because of it.  That means I can give my honest, heartfelt endorsement knowing first-hand the impact this can have for you.

Check the awesome, content-packed preview videos here:
Free Traffic Videos

And then tomorrow, get ready to rock and roll with v2.0!  This is something I think you’ll definitely want in your marketing education libary.

Your Online Marketing Stress Reduction Toolkit

Click Here for Your REAL Online Marketing Stress Reduction Toolkit


1.   Print this page and tape to your wall or some other hard surface.
      (Caution: Do NOT tape to your computer monitor!)

2.   Buy the latest “Get R-I-C-H With Internet Marketing” eBook or video course

3.   Lock yourself in your office and work night and day following the instructions in said eBook or course.

4.   Submit help requests to internet guru’s helpdesk.  Wait a week for an answer and repeat.

5.   Try to “make money while you s-l-e-e-p” as your bank account nosedives.

6.   Follow directions in above illustration until unconscious…and stress is gone!

7.   Repeat steps 2-6 until you are forced to get a J-O-B to pay expenses.

OR you can simply CLICK HERE and learn from the best
(with nearly 1 BILLION in internet revenue)!

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