Do You Make These 5 Mistakes With Your Business?

Chris here with a follow-up from Tuesday’s “Independence” email and article…Business Mistakes

As promised, I twisted a few arms to nail down online business experts and authors of the “7 Figure Code”, Mike Filsaime and Tom Beal. In fact, we grilled them for an hour or so about…“The Top 5 Mistakes People Make When Building a 7-Figure Business (and How to Avoid Them!)”

This is breakthrough information about what it takes to treat your home business as a *real* business, not a side project or hobby (and it’s also what separates the mega-successful in our industry from those who struggle for years and years and never get anywhere.)

And because you’re a valued subscriber, you get *exclusive* access to the FREE replay of this “closed door” webinar!

Click Here for the “5 Biggest Mistakes” Webinar Replay

On the webinar we went in-depth into the 5 areas that hold most people back from building a real business, including:

— Why most people focus on the wrong thing, what this one “thing” is… and how it spells painful failure if you make this mistake (as most people do)…

— A new buzzword (“outtasking”) and a closer look into this critical strategy you almost never hear anyone talking about!…

— How understanding “hedgehogs” can make you insanely rich and happy (and why being “foxy” leaves you poor and constantly struggling just to get by)…

— Why the “one-man-band” mindset DOOMS YOU to stay in the minor leagues instead of up swinging with the heavy hitters…

— How to harness the power of your “<ONLY REVEALED IN WEBINAR REPLAY>” to crank up your success (instead of allowing it to sabotage your success as most do)…

— And much, MUCH more!

Now since this webinar replay does contain some of the real “insider” info that Mike and Tom reveal in their new course, I honestly don’t know how long they’ll let me leave this replay up.

That means you should watch it now because once their new course, “The 7 Figure Code” launches tonight, I’m not sure if they’ll make us pull it down or not.

==> Click Here for the “5 Biggest Mistakes” Webinar Replay

Be sure to leave your comments below about the video!


Chris Zavadowski πŸ™‚

P.S. – This exclusive webinar replay has real meat in it, and we could easily have charged $47-$97 for it. Even though they are right in the middle of a huge project, we twisted Mike and Tom’s arms to join us for this special event and reveal this incredibly valuable and thought-provoking material.

Don’t miss out on this free gift. Watch the replay now:
Click Here for the “5 Biggest Mistakes” Webinar Replay

P.P.S. – Even though we talk about “online business” a lot in this video, it directly applies to YOUR network marketing business, now more than ever.

As you watch this, you’ll want to keep asking yourself, “How can I apply each idea to MY networking business?”. That’s when you’ll start experiencing great shifts and breakthroughs!

Have You Achieved Real Independence Yet?

Business Independence DayTomorrow, in the USA, we celebrate “Independence Day“… a day that commemorates independence from oppression and liberation from those who would seek to keep you from setting your own course and controlling your own destiny.

No matter where you are in the world, the question tomorrow raises is:

“Have you had your own personal ‘Independence Day’ yet?”

Since you’re a subscriber of mine, I hope so. But if not, you should ask yourself, what can you do to gain more independence, especially using the power of the Internet?

However, before I get into that, let’s talk about what “independence” really means…

To me, “independence” means:

— You don’t punch a clock for someone else (your business is simply a “means to an end” that enables you to pursue your passions and dreams instead of being a “wage slave” for another company or person)

— Your time is your own and you spend it how you want (whether that’s playing video games, traveling or spending more time with your children and family)

— You do NOT trade time for dollars. But rather you have a business that makes you money whether you show up or not… (No matter what type of product or service you have, the web makes this easier than ever before!)

— Your business and income grows every year without requiring you to work more hours…

Properly structured, your business becomes a wealth-producing asset that provides for you. And also provides for your family if something happens to you and you’re not able to take care of them (or can’t work for months).

Let’s face it. If you’re spending all your time responding to emails, answering the phone, putting up mini-sites, calling leads, trying to find new prospects, attending meetings, and “DOING” all the activities IN your business…you have a JOB, NOT a business!

That’s why it’s important at this time of year that you take a step back and take a look at what’s distracting you from the big picture of your TRUE independence.

A lot of people get into an online business or networking business with the hopes of killing their “day” job, but all they do is trade one job for another (often working MORE HOURS at their new “job” than they ever did on their original job!).

One of the reasons that happens is because with the traditional model of MLM, you do NOT have any wealth-producing assets under your control. (You don’t own the company, products, downline, marketing materials, websites, comp plan…nothing!).

Truth be told, I know many people who built up nice incomes the “traditional” way…only to see that income vanish when their company changed the rules of the game (or the FTC got involved).

So if you want true independence, you need to do the following with your business…

#1 You need a lead-generating asset that YOU control.

Beware of people telling you to ONLY do the traditional ways of MLM.

If that’s working for you, great! But the reality is that 90-95% of the people who get into our industry do NOT have any major success and can NOT make the “usual” ways of prospecting work for them.

The main problem of operating with the old-school methods is that you don’t have an asset that’s working FOR you. In essence, you are STILL trading time for dollars. (Yes, you’ll get duplication in your team…but if you rely solely on that, you’re putting your security and income in someone else’s hands again!).

Bottom Line: Get control of your OWN 24×7 lead generator (ideally a mini-site) if you want true online independence.

#2 You need to BUILD a LIST!

There are six profit lists you should be focusing on, but you really need to focus on four of them if you want to experience leverage and freedom in your business.

The first main list you build is a prospect list – people who are interested in your product or service in general. You’ll also build this list for your lead generating mini-site.

The second main list you build is a customer lis of the people who get your lead generator above. And also a list of the people who sign up for your company’s product or service.

Using online leverage tools like autoresponders, you can drip on them on autopilot. Plus this allows you to leverage your message out to hundreds or thousands of people at once.

You want to be in control of the relationship – don’t let someone else manage that *critical* asset.

#3 You need to put SYSTEMS to work in your business.


So you can remove yourself from the processes that actually drive your business!

In other words…ultimately your business can’t depend on you to DO much of ANYTHING if you want to have a business that is a “real” business.

You can start things.

You can figure things out.

You can get the whole ball rolling.

But after that, get out of YOUR OWN WAY!

You need people, teams, software, and systems in place so that your business can run without your day-to-day interaction or input. That’s a REAL business.

Now one of the people I know who has mastered these three areas and has really come on strong in the last few years is Mike Filsaime.

In fact, this past January, Mike put on a live event on how to build a “Seven Figure Business” (which Mike has personally done over the last few years to come out of nowhere and reach incredible heights).

In honor of our “Independence Day” theme, we’re nailing down Mike for a special “closed Door” webinar this week where we will grill him for his:

“TOP 5 Mistakes People Make When Building a Multi-Million Dollar Business (and how to AVOID THEM!)”

I promise…what you’ll discover in this video with Mike, and what I’m talking about in this email is NOT the company line. These are concepts and strategies that will help you to treat your networking opportunity, products and services like a REAL business (instead of an Alice in Wonderland adventure like so many people do).

So keep your eyes peeled on Thursday or Friday for that red-hot exclusive content!

independence dayBut until then, here’s what you do next to have a true “Independence Day” this week…

— Like I’ve said in the past, take some time AWAY from your business to THINK about what you *really* want from it If your business is a vehicle, WHERE do you want it to take you?

— If you had a “perfect” business, what would it look like and what would it do for YOU?

— Describe your “perfect” day! What would you do? Who would you see? How would you make money if there were NO limitations placed on you?

I sat down for a few days 3 years ago to answer these very same questions questions, and as a result made some massive changes. I’ll admit the changes weren’t super easy (mainly because of getting in my own way), but the result was liberation from everything I disliked…more income…and my life and business became the way *I* wanted them.

So get away from your business and computer to do this exercise in the next 24-48 hours. Be truthful to yourself and the answers – and be willing to make the changes necessary for true independence!

And of course, keep your eyes open for that closed-door webinar video later on this week. πŸ™‚

Happy Independence Day!

Chris Z. πŸ™‚

P.S. – Please click on the “comments” link to share your thoughts on this article and what independence means to you.

The Trick to Painless Prospecting

CopywritingLet’s face it…

In the traditional prospecting equation, there’s always one major bottleneck: YOU!

No matter how good you are at prospecting and recruiting for your business (or how bad you are at it), your personal results are always tied to how many prospects YOU speak with and how many people YOU sign up.

Unfortunately, most companies only teach you the “traditional” way – which relies on trading time for results. True, you have duplication in your team (and that’s always something to put in place), but you should NOT be relying on your team to provide all of your profits.

It’s always dangerous to put your income 100% in the hands of someone else, regardless of what industry or business you are in.

That’s why for years I’ve been teaching direct-response-based prospecting strategies that put YOU in the driver’s seat. Strategies that allow you to truly leverage (and profit from) the work do just one time.

(Think “autopilot”!)

With solid marketing techniques (like sales letters and good copywriting), you remove yourself from the equation and can ratchet up your leads, prospects, recruits and sales practically any time you want.

Which brings me to the point of this email…

Tomorrow night, Wednesday, June 13, 2007 at 9pm (ET), as part of the “Ultimate Network Marketer” program, I’m delivering a *new* FREE presentation on some of my favorite copywriting tricks and tactics.

Free Copywriting Call (Click Here)

Copywriting is hands-down the most critical marketing skill you’ll ever learn. Once you master it, you can literally write your own ticket at will. (Personally, I’ve sold over $1M+ in the last few years alone with sales copy, so I know first-hand how mighty it is.)

And on tomorrow’s call, I’ll be sharing some of my favorite methods that will help put *you* in that powerful position.

The strategies I’ll be revealing can be applied to all aspects of your marketing and prospecting and go hand-in-hand with my best-selling resource,

Be sure to grab your front row seat right here:
Free Copywriting Call (Click Here)

They only have a limited number of seats, so don’t delay.

Best wishes,

Chris Zavadowski πŸ™‚

P.S. – Plus, as a bonus for registering, you’ll get free access to 10 other top-notch presenters and calls (some of them were my mentors when I first got started in network marketing…so you’re in for a treat!).

Personally, I think Ric Thompson (the host of this event) is a little crazy for not charging for these calls. I suggest you claim your spot immediately before he wises up!

Here’s the special link again:
Free Copywriting Call (Click Here)

P.P.S. – Our new “Webinar Secrets” coaching program is underway, but you can STILL get in, watch the replays from the earlier sessions and get live interaction and help on your business. We’ve already covered several powerful, unique ways for networkers to build their business with this exciting tool…and we’re not done yet!

Watch this video that shares some cool webinar strategies:

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