Virginia Tech: Today, We Are All Hokies

Virginia Tech TearsAs many of you know, I hold two degrees from Virginia Tech – the same school where the massacre happened on April 16, 2007.As a Virginian and a Virginia Tech graduate (and also someone who worked there as a guest artist and staff member), I’ve been shocked at the global reach this tragedy has had. Within a day, people from all over the globe were sending me messages offering their support and love.

Fortunately, as of right now, I’m not directly connected with any of the Virginia Tech victims. But after what happened on Monday to the entire “Hokie” family, and what has happened to our country and world as a result of this….we’re ALL victims of this horrendous, insane act.

It’s hard to sit here and type this as I think of the same buildings I walked through being devastated by this. It brings tears to my eyes to read the millions of posts online. From MySpace, to Facebook, Youtube, VT’s memorial sites and more…it’s amazing to see the outstretched arms of so many people.

I ask all of you to take a moment of silence on Friday (day of mourning for this tragedy) and send your love and prayers out to everyone affected by this. There’s also a national “Hokie Effect” day happening on Friday where people around the world are wearing the Orange and Maroon colors to honor those we lost. I encourage you to participate in that if at all possible.

And most importantly, be sure to hug your loved ones today and tell them “I Love You” – for in these crazy times, we never know what the next minute holds.

“We are strong enough to stand tall tearlessly, we are brave enough to bend to cry, and we are sad enough to know that we must laugh again…We will prevail…We are Virginia Tech.” — Nikki Giovanni

Please take a moment to leave your comments, thoughts and prayers about this event below if you wish.

Today, we are all Hokies.

God Bless,

Chris πŸ™

Do You Know These “Secret Powers” of Giving?

Hello from New York City!

I’m off on another adventure this weekend (Lara wanted to bring me to some new Broadway shows for my birthday). πŸ™‚

Being in theater professionally “offline”, I like to see as many shows as possible because it gives me a “toolbox” of new ideas and creativity when I’m working on a show. It’s really no different than super successful business owners who keep learning to stay up on new tools and resources.

It turns out last night was special treat, too. One of my friends, RaΓΊl, is headlining in Sondheim’s Company on Broadway right now. As an aside, if you get the chance to see this production, I HIGHLY recommend it. I very *rarely* give standing ovations…but this show was extremely deserving of it!

(You should have seen the look on Lara’s face when we ended up hanging out with him in his dressing room…she had no clue I even knew him…talk about shell shock!)

Anyway, the reason for this important email is to share an important wealth attraction tip and ask for your help…

If you’ve heard any of my “success”-related speeches in the past, you know that a big part of our success comes from “giving back” to the community, to charities and good causes.

You may or may not know it, but we routinely give a percentage of our GROSS income every single month to different causes. Everything from cancer to the arts to MS research, autism and more. (In fact, last night alone after the show, we gave a good donation to “Broadway Cares/Equity Fights Aids”.)

I’m not quite sure how it all works, but the universe gives you back MORE than you put out there. (Refer to my “14 Keys to Getting the Most of Your MLM Business” training for a great discussion of this principle.)

If you are NOT giving away a percentage of your money on a regular basis…you’re missing out on a key wealth attraction principle. Not only will it help you to ACT more wealthy, but it will also make you FEEL more wealthy inside, feel good about yourself, do a world of difference AND bring you back even more than you gave away.

And the best part is that it doesn’t matter if you give away 1% or 10% – you can start small and grow to a larger amount over time as your business grows.

The important thing is to start a structured program of giving in your business immediately – you’ll be amazed at what happens!

Now here’s where I’m asking for your help (and giving you another chance to experience this principle first-hand)…

I wanted to let you know about a very special charity fundraising project that I was invited to participate in.

It’s called “Marketers on a Mission”. Over 40 of the top marketers online have contributed to this, and from what I’ve seen so far it has shaped up to be a very unique, powerful charity promotion.

Basically, all of the marketers donated products, services, reports, videos, audios, etc. And my friend Dr. Mike Woo-Ming took all of this and turned it into one “Super Product” to directly help a non-profit school dedicated to helping autistic children.

If you didn’t know: April is Autism Awareness Month, and 1 out of 150 children today are born with autism. πŸ™

As of noon today (ET), this special “Marketers on a Mission” fundraising super product is yours FREE in exchange for your charitable donation to this worthy cause. (I don’t even think there’s a minimum donation needed – although I’d recommend $50-$100).

You can go to this site for all details:
Marketers On A Mission

(That’s NOT an affiliate link)

Dr. Mike didn’t ask me to send out anything about this, but I felt obligated to let you know this is happening today.

I don’t make a dime off of this. Heck, I’ll even be donating money myself on top of what I included on his site.

Please donate today and help some children who could really use it!

All the best,

Chris Zavadowski πŸ™‚

P.S. – Stay tuned for another email in the next 24-48 hours about a VERY special exclusive free webinar I’ll be hosting for you this coming Thursday night (put it on your calendar now).

As with all my free events – this WILL sell out, and WILL bring you a new breakthrough that is sure to help you make more sales and recruits…with even less work. For the last months, people have been asking us for this, so we’re finally pulling back the curtain. Stay tuned!

P.P.S. – We’re off to see THE PRODUCERS and SPRING AWAKENING today. If you’ve seen these shows (or just love theater too), please be sure to visit leave your thoughts below by clicking “COMMENTS”.

Here’s a Shortcut for Recruiting Online

Chris here with an important update…

If you’d like to discover a QUICK and EASY way to painlessly recruit more distributors and sell more products using *YOUR OWN* moneymaking ‘mini’ websites (without being a computer geek, buying expensive software, paying outrageous fees to a webmaster or using the same crappy website everyone else in your company has)…

…then I have a very special free audio gift for you.

You see, just a little while ago, I hosted a very special free ‘birthday celebration’ teleseminar training only for my clients, subscribers and affiliates.

Luckily, I was able to record the call and get it posted online for YOU to benefit from. And I definitely pulled out all the stops with the world’s top “mini-website” expert.

In fact, during this one-time training – we covered these gems and more:

~ Why the “cloned” site your company gives you is actually hurting – not helping – your prospecting efforts and why you have to STOP using it to create prospects…

~ How he took a 30+ page website, converted it to a “mini-site”… and watched his sales go up over 250% literally overnight!…

~ The 4 types of mini-sites, and how each one plays a specific role in growing your business the way you want online…

~ The single biggest mistake people make with “distributor” mini-sites that costs them thousands of dollars…

~ 3 specific kinds of “landing page” mini-sites you can use to make money on Google AdWords…

~ Can you make money with a mini-site within 24 hours?
(Hint: Yes you can! Pick up this audio to find out HOW)

~ And a lot more…

I’ve been receiving a lot of emails asking for a recording of the event, like this email from Cameron in California…

>I missed the call you had. I am KICKING
>MYSELF ‘cuz this is the exact strategy that I’ve been
>looking to learn as far as building a downline

So now’s YOUR chance to hear this extremely valuable information. I’m not sure how long I’ll leave this page up, so be sure to listen to the audio now, while it’s fresh on your mind:

Click Here to Listen to the Mini-Site Secrets Event

To your success,

Chris πŸ™‚

P.S. – The call was a smash hit again and lots of people missed it or got ‘locked out’. Here’s your second chance to listen in for free! Lock the door and turn up your speakers now. This information won’t be around forever…

==> Mini-Site Secrets

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