Profile of Success: Aaron Cushman

Aaron’s known as one of the greatest publicists ever. His Hollywood celebrity clients included Dean Martin, Sammy Davis Jr. and The Three Stooges but he also did work for President Truman, dozens of Fortune 500 corporations and major sports teams.

Did you know?…that The Rose Bowl, Miss America Pageant and the Academy Awards all started out as publicity stunts? Aaron Cushman had an insider’s front row seat to the rise of publicity and public relations as major forces in the American marketplace over 50 years, now chronicled in entertaining and insightful stories in his book A Passion For Winning: 50 Years Of Promoting Legendary People And Products.

Aaron was a World War II fighter pilot who came home and started in “public relations” before anybody in the business world thought much about it – or even knew what it was! He made a career for himself from scratch, with ingenuity and persistence, and his story is fascinating.

As you read through his book and study his story – notice how he did things a little bit differently than everyone else. And think of how you can be DIFFERENT in your MLM business. What little things can you do with your new prospects that will stand out? How can you bring people into your prospecting funnel differently (instead of the ineffective cold calling everyone else is doing)?

Think differently – and get different (read: BETTER) results!

— Chris 🙂

Profiles of Success: Barnett Helzberg Jr.

You may know the stores – Helzburg Diamonds. Under Barnett Helzberg Jr.’s leadership, from 1962 to 1995, the family owned chain grew from 30 to 143 stores; its per store sales were double the industry average; and they earned a sterling reputation as ‘the Nordstroms of jewelry stores.’ Which led to the company being bought by the legendary Warren Buffet!

In his book WHAT I LEARNED BEFORE I SOLD TO WARREN BUFFET, Helzberg lays out a set of principles for developing a fast-growing business. His management advice begins with concerning yourself only with the “controllables”, a way to focus and concentrate on the aspects of your business where you can have the greatest impact.

Important ideas from Helzberg: “Each activity you undertake exacts the price of not being able to pursue alternative activities – sometimes called ‘opportunity cost.’…Peter Drucker calls it ‘feeding problems and starving opportunities’.

So the question you should be asking yourself: Is what I am doing right now bringing me closer to my objective than any alternate activity I could be doing?

Profile of Success: Jack Welch

Almost everybody knows Jack Welch as the tough but usually smiling former CEO of General Electric. During his 20 year tenure as CEO, he built GE’s market value by more than 450-Billion Dollars. You may not know that he started out at GE in 1960 as an engineer earning $10,500.00.

Here’s a great quote from him about the common practice of annual reviews: “I was giving appraisals all the time – whether I handed out a stock option grant or gave a raise or just bumped into someone in the hallway. I always wanted everyone to know where they stood.”

And a quote about the need for speed: “I rarely regretted acting but often regretted not acting fast enough.” (How true is that!)

In his book JACK: STRAIGHT FROM THE GUT, he takes you through his life story from beginning to present, with frank discussion of what worked and what didn’t work for him. Whether you manage a downline of 2, 20, or 200, there’s plenty to be learned from Jack.

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