Do You Make These 38 Mistakes With Your Credit?

Are these mistakes surprising to you? What don’t you know that you should about… transferring credit balances to get a better rate? Applying for a home equity credit line? Rate shopping the wrong way? Using personal credit for your business? Closing accounts?

Expert Stephen Snyder reveals inside secrets of credit scores, so you avoid mistakes that worsen your score and do the right things to optimize your score… to expand borrowing power, get the lowest interest rates and best terms, which means improving your lifestyle. This is doubly important to business owners who have to be concerned with both their company’s credit status as well as their own. Stephen has appeared on CNNfn, CNBC, Bloomberg TV, in Newsweek and The Wall Street journal as America’s leading credit scores expert. His book, Do You Make These 38 Mistakes With Your Credit?, is available at bookstores,, or get info at and

While it’s a VERY quick 20 minute read, you’ll pick up a few new tips and ideas that are guaranteed to help you keep your scores high (which helps your business and personal credit).


  1. Jim says:

    While credit scores are important aren’t they just a symptom of what is going on in our heads?

  2. Jim,

    Thanks for your comment.

    I think to SOME extent, they reflect people’s mental attitudes (just like being overweight or drinking a lot or running up massive debt does).

    But a lot of the financial mishaps that happen to people are a result of lack of education. At no point in time growing up did I ever learn the complexities of the credit system (especially the system we live in today) – and the school system surely doesn’t teach it like this.

    That’s why I recommended the book – I take care of my credit already and have monitored it for years, but I picked up some clever tricks and ideas in this book that I’d never learned before. It’s not an indepth novel, since he’s using it as a front-end lead generator, but nevertheless, it’s helpful to re-educate (or educate) people on how to think about their finances. And when running a business, like we all are, it’s even more important…since your credit can have an effect on your ability to work with vendors, secure other financing, etc.

    Anyone else want to weigh in?

    Chris 🙂

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