Mystery Solved

“There is nothing more deceptive than an obvious fact” said Sherlock Holmes.

You are presumably reading this because you are intrigued – for self-interest, not just academic exercise – with the mysteries of achievement and success. I have spent more than 30 years examining these mysteries. Before me, a long list of authors, lecturers, consultants, psychologists, researchers. Napoleon Hill one of the most famous, whom you’ve probably read. Many before him, after him.  All sorts of theories; 7 steps; 17 steps; blueprints; and explanations have been produced, all aimed at solving the mystery of why so few do so very well, while the majority achieve comparatively little.

This is true of any general population, or any given industry’s or profession’s population, or any company’s sales organization, even any school or town. Pretty much without exception, only about 4% do well, 1% super-well, 15% okay, the remaining 80% divide between struggling and spending entire lives running in place or never even getting out of the starting gate at all.

Why do few rise and most, at best, flounder? I’m afraid it’s not as much of a mystery as everybody in the 80% group wants it to be.

The specific reasons people fail are many and varied, and range from tragic to comical. But there is only one underlying reason: the choices they make.

About study, about association, about initiative, effort, persistence. There is no shortage of opportunity. There is some worthy opportunity accessible to everyone, regardless of their education or location or other factors. Every “reason” for failure can be de-bunked.

Oh, the poor fellow had no good examples to follow or mentors to inspire him. Neither did Og Mandino, an alcoholic hanging out at the public library because it was a dry, warm, safe place. There he discovered mentors in books available free, with their help confronted his demons and pulled himself together. Became a success in business and became one of the all-time bestselling self-help authors.

Space here does not permit similarly de-bunking all the other “reasons”, but I can. Every one.

The argument then disintegrates to insisting my examples are all of exceptional people and cannot be applied to large numbers. But why not? The fact is: the people whose stories I cite in de-bunking the majority’s reasons for not doing well are very ordinary people who chose to be exceptions, to do exceptional things, to make themselves exceptional. Chose.

In my world, people bump up against significant-sized groups of people who are all doing well in their businesses or professions. The top industry advisors I work with, including the one who has published this article for you to read, have hundreds; some have thousands of top performers around them.

When someone new comes into such a rarified place, he sometimes runs back out the door as fast as he can- to avoid confronting the obvious fact that there is no real reason for not doing exceptionally well.  If you feel that way, I’m sure the exit is clearly marked.

A small number stay and dig in and determine that they will get all there is to get about how to succeed and prosper, and use it. In this way, the percentages never change no matter what I or the person who published this article or a legion of us say, write or do. Because, ultimately, success or failure is an individual, personal choice no one can make for you. We wind up helping winners win.

– By Dan S. Kennedy, serial entrepreneur, from-scratch multi-millionaire, speaker, consultant, coach, author of 13 books including the No B.S. series, and editor of The No B.S. Marketing Letter. FOR A SPECIAL FREE GIFT FROM DAN FOR YOU including newsletters, audio CD’s and more: visit:

My Official Perpetual Traffic Formula Bonus

A special heads-up on my “Perpetual Traffic Formula” bonus package…

You see, I’ve known Ryan Deiss for over 6 years.  We’ve shared the stage at seminars, I’ve gone to his events, had him on my own events (the most recent charity webinar) and also purchased his products myself.

One thing you can *always* count on from him is brilliant marketing insights. Truth be told, he’s one of the very few people I regularly pay attention to online.

And the reason is very simple: Every single time I’ve implemented something Ryan taught me, it’s made me more money. EVERY time.

In fact, when you talk to people who have followed Ryan’s advice and utilized it properly, you’d be hard pressed to find even ONE who isn’t making great money from it.

And that’s in HUNDREDS of different niches — not just Internet marketing.

So why am I telling you all this?

Because I’m truly confident Ryan’s latest training, getting released at 3pm today, can do the same for YOUR business.

You should be excited for what Ryan is releasing at today, his Perpetual Traffic System! (And I’m offering you a crazy bonus package to top it off!)

You’ll discover exactly how to get TONS of totally FREE traffic from Google, Yahoo, Bing and more using the search engines’ own rules against them.

Also because I believe so strongly in everything Ryan produces (heck, he’s always boosted my own profits!), I want to reward those who buy through my affiliate link today.  That’s why I’m giving a great bonus package:

  1. My course ($697.00 value). Originally designed for those with home-based businesses, this popular course has now been used by folks in a WIDE range of markets, products and services to create lead generators that not only bring you a big list, but more sales.  You’ll discover what it takes to get your own prospecting site up, how to automate the marketing, how to combine offline tricks with online tactics and tons more.  This originally sold out in SIX DAYS when it was first offered, but you can get it for FREE as a bonus!
  2. The Advanced Copywriting Seminar-in-a-Box ($497.00). Make no mistake, copywriting (the power to put words on paper or online to get folks to take action) is arguably the greatest business skill you’ll ever master. It practically allows you to print money on demand! Having this skill under your belt is like having the goose that lays the golden egg, over and over and over again.  Being able to turn words put on paper into floods of precisely the prospects or clients you want, or into cash business literally at will, is THE skill that can quite literally change you and your life. You’ll discover (as a FREE BONUS!) one of the most powerful copywriting courses on the planet, from one of the greatest living copywriters anywhere — Dan Kennedy himself!
  3. The Double-Your-Profits-in-180-Days Marketing System ($269.00 value). This under-the-radar course gives you an A-to-Z action plan for growing your business every day for the next 6 months.  It takes you through EVERY aspect of your business, and guarantees to double your profits.  No matter WHAT type of business you’re in, going through this steps will definitely bring you powerful results.
  4. Plus a surprise gift ($29.95 value).  This is a fun, useful gift for the inner geek in all of us. 😉

I picked all of the training systems above as bonuses because they’ll work hand-in-hand with with Ryan’s course to bring you more sales, more conversions and more profits.  That’s a REAL $1,492.95 worth of products…for FREE!

So how do you get my exclusive bonus package?


Use my affiliate link to buy his course when it launches today:

Then send me your receipt at my help desk:

Once Ryan’s company confirms your order, and sends affiliate payment (which means your order wasn’t canceled and went through), I’ll ship out all the big boxes above to you!

It’ll be perfect timing, as Ryan’s course is going to keep you busy for the next few weeks.  (We were texting a few nights ago about what he has planned – you’re in for a treat!)

So just use my link today, send me your receipt, and I’ll hook you up with everything.

Remember, I’m first in line to learn (and USE!) the entire Perpetual Traffic Formula.  I hope you’ll join me as we take over the search engines together!

All the best,

Chris 🙂

P.S. — Ryan Deiss is one of those rare marketing experts that you never hear anything bad about. As I mentioned above, every time I’ve used Ryan’s information, I’ve had great success.  Along with thousands of others!

So why would your niche, product, service or company be any different?

Get on his early bird list right now, and buy through my official link today to get your special bonus package:

Guess What… Google is Broken!

Yep…Google is “broken”!

You see, with the recent Google update, it’s now possible to use Google’s own tools against them to get FREE traffic for your sites, blogs, newsletters, products and more.

Anytime you want.

If you’re tired of trying to figure out the “Pay Per Click” game and simply want to set up a perpetual traffic system that costs you absolutely nothing, then you’ll love this.

Here’s the FREE content-packed report that gives you the 3 steps needed to grab free traffic from Google, Bing, Yahoo and more:

I just finished reading this eye-opening .pdf myself and think it’s important to your business that you check it out, too.

And don’t worry, it’s not some fancy SEO method that makes no sense to anyone…it’s easy.

My favorite part: you can totally outsource all the steps!

Talk soon,

Chris 🙂

P.S. – One more thing: Inside the free report, there’s also a link for free software that’ll make grabbing the free traffic even easier.  Check it out here:

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