16 DVD Course for Free (Holiday Gift)

The rumors are true…

One of the big name heavyweights in marketing online has decided to leave the “guru” world, drastically change his business for 2010 and give away his $1,297 course…


To go out with a bang this holiday season, he’s decided to not only post a candid video explaining his shift, but he’s doing something even better for you as a gift…

He’s GIVING AWAY his most popular $1,297 home study course. (Which is actually all the DVD recordings from his $5,000/person sold out workshop.)

To kick things off now he’s giving you his favorite DVD from the entire sold out workshop and course: Stephen Pierce’s presentation on the exact steps he took to build a 7-figure business.

Just go to this page and put in your email address to get instant access:


There are no ‘catches’ or ‘tricks’. Even when he gives away the limited sets of the entire home study course later this week, there’s no forced continuity, no hidden charges, no forced trials or anything funky like that.

If you delay, you’ll miss out on this great freebie. I highly recommend you check this out right away.

Talk to you soon,

Chris 🙂

P.S. – Remember, he’s giving this away for FREE, but last time he actually sold the $1,297 course – he sold 2,500 copies in 7 days.  That means considering the extremely limited free sets he has available, they won’t last long.

Get in line for your free copy here:

(And yes, these are links I get paid on *only* if you decide to have him ship you the free copy when he launches it later this week.  But you don’t have to spend one single penny to watch the free $97 video he’s posted online!)

P.P.S. – I’m also working on putting together the 2nd Annual Customer Appreciation VIP Charity Event later this month – so keep an eye out for that.  Last year’s all-star free event filled up in a flash, and I’m sure this year will be no different.  Stay tuned!

What Will You Accept?

“He Smashed His Head Bloody Pounding It On His

Locker Door – And Broke Off Two Teeth Biting On It.”

You may recall a story like that from Dan Jenkins’ football novel, Semi-Tough. (Made into an okay movie.) The story is reportedly based on actual behavior of Howie Long when he was playing for the Oakland Raiders.

You now see a mild-mannered, pleasant Howie on the Sunday morning football show on FOX. That is not the Howie teammates and opponents saw on the field. There, they saw and encountered a man who hated to lose. In his newest novel, about the LPGA, The Franchise Babe, Jenkins again talks about the hate-to-lose element.

I find fewer and fewer people exhibiting this. In pro sports. In business.

Most are all too willing to accept losing and losses, to shrug them off, to end days without productive accomplishment, to miss sales, to let revenue escape, to let customers disappear, to bank excuses instead of money.

And as I said in the last article, you get what you accept.

I have always hated not doing well. Hate is, or is supposed to be a very strong word. Hate is dark and violent and intense. I mean it that way. I hate not doing well.

People interfering with my ability to do well, through negligence, incompetence, stupidity, have seen and felt my wrath. Like Howie, I have actually, physically injured myself – smashing fist into wall, steel file cabinet; kicking car fender repeatedly; etc. – in unchecked rage after screwing up badly.

When I set out in the A.M. with a To-Do List, I resist with every fiber of being, carrying an item on it over to the next day. I hate that.

When advertising, marketing or sales campaigns are slowed or sabotaged by peoples’ sloppy or careless implementation, I immediately begin scheming to rid my life of the culprits. I hate people who don’t hate things being f’d up.

I approve of the Oriental tradition of falling on one’s own sword when performing badly.

By normal standards, I suppose I am emotionally unstable or dysfunctional, and might be diagnosed as mentally ill, but then normal standards lead to normal results, which suck.

By the way, every doctor always expects me to have high blood pressure. I do not. I cause high blood pressure, I don’t have it.

Seems to me, if you don’t care deeply, passionately about getting whatever you’re doing right, done fast and on time, done in the way that produces best results, you ought to find something worth caring about to do – or find a way to do nothing at all.

If I had a team, I’d much rather have a Howie Long, and have to pry the damaged locker door from his hands and talk him out of the depths of rage, despair and depression over losing, than have a modern-day, laissez-faire, sh** happens, we’ll try to do better next time wimpus and struggle to talk him into performing.

When I look around the ranks of the rich, I see people like me who hate losing. When I look around everywhere else, I see loads of good losers.

At the moment, a lot of willing-to-accept-not-doing-well folks have been handed an extra supply of excuses – gas prices, real estate slump, Lehman Brothers’ bankruptcy, etc. – and many are unconsciously delighted to have them.

Be careful. Their mental illness is contagious.


By Dan S. Kennedy, serial entrepreneur, from-scratch multi-millionaire, speaker, consultant, coach, author of 13 books including the No B.S. series (NoBSBooks.com), and editor of The No B.S. Marketing Letter. FOR A SPECIAL FREE GIFT FROM DAN FOR YOU including newsletters, audio CD’s and more: visit:

3 Quick & Easy Ways to Get Webinar Content

It’s a fact…

Webinars ARE the new teleseminars. (It seems like everyone  and their uncle has finally gotten onboard and started  doing them now for the last few years.) Which means they  are definitely NOT a passing fad.

In fact, we recently surveyed our customers and subscribers about webinars.

Get this…

Out of 569 responses, a full 87.9% have attended a webinar before…but only 12.3% have ever presented a webinar. So people see the power of webinars — and keep attending them  — but for one reason or another are unsure about how to do  present a webinar themselves.

Now out of those who have never presented a webinar (which is pretty much EVERYONE surveyed) 77.2% said they wanted to know HOW to do one!

Considering the survey told us every stumbling block and  webinar question you have, we’ve decided to put together a  series of totally free videos for you all about creating, producing and cashing in from webinars to sell more of YOUR  products and services.

In Video #1, we’ll share with you 3 quick and easy ways to get content for a kick-butt profitable webinar.

Check it out here:
http://www.webinarsecrets.com/blog/ [No Longer Available]

Be sure to leave us your feedback, too!

Talk to you soon,

Chris 🙂

P.S. – If you enjoy this video, be sure to sign up for our  upcoming “Insider Webinar Strategies v2.0” LIVE, free  webinar happening Monday, October 12, 2009!

And stay tuned for more videos over the coming days!

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