Words that Sell

This month’s book of the month, Words that Sell by Richard Bayan, is a GREAT desk reference to use when writing copy for your mini-sites, emails, postcards and more.

Basically, it’s a marketer’s thesaurus to help you sell more of your products, services and to help the killer ideas flow.

Instead of writing boring copy, this inexpensive paperback helps you jazz up your communication with powerful, emotional words that resonate more strongly with your audience.

If you need quick inspiration, or need another way to say “easy” or “popular” or “money-making” or one of the other 73 words and phrases in this book, you’re all set. Just flip to that page and you’ll find a large list of alternatives, complete with cross-references to related adjectives and phrases.

Not only is it a great sales thesaurus, but he includes lists of guarantees, ways to justify your prices, phrases to avoid and much more. Not bad for $11.53, eh?

Even though I don’t need to use a swipe file like this all the time, but it’s still one of the few copywriting resources that are within armsreach of my keyboard.

And if you’re serious about leveraging the powerful of copy in your business (and you better be if you’ve been reading this blog for any length of time)…then this is an invaluable book to own. Grab a copy over at Amazon.com (through my cleverly disguised affiliate link that earns me a whopping fifteen cents. Heck, if enough people buy it…I could afford a beer!) πŸ˜‰

Seriously though…grab the book.Β  And be sure to post your comments below if you own it already.

Meet “The Man Behind the Curtain”

Frank Kern Mass ControlRemember “the man behind the curtain” in The Wizard of Oz?

The guy pulling all the strings behind the scenes, but that no one knew was there?

Well today it’s time to meet the man behind the Internet marketing and prospecting curtain….Frank Kern.

You see, while you may have heard of my good friend, Frank, you might not know that he’s been responsible for the largest site/product launches in online marketing history.

And if you aren’t familiar with Frank, you should be!

While Frank has this down-to-earth, funny-as-heck personality, he’s also a genius marketer. His understanding of human nature and his ability to bond with people online is nothing short of amazing.

In fact, he’s been responsible for over $23.8 million dollars in sales in under 24 hours using a techinque he’s mastered called “mass control”.

Finally he’s pulling back the curtain and sharing many of his greatest techniques and strategies for *free* in the videos on his new “Mass Control” website…

Free Mass Control Videos

To be honest, I spent some of my very first dollars online (and also made some of my very first dollars online) with a package Frank was selling almost 7 years ago. And back in 2006, I dropped $10,000 with him just to learn ONE ninja technique he was using to rake in megabucks *outside* of the marketing niche.

More recently I’ve used some of his super-easy mass control techniques to more than 5x (yes, FIVE TIMES!) sales on one of my niche sites.

That’s why I urge you to listen to what this man has to say…especially since the price is right (read: FREE).

On his new site you’ll find this totally free content…

— A 33 page report that gives the REAL story about the biggest launches in Internet Marketing history. (He should know because he’s the guy that masterminded them.)

— A 90-minute video showing Mass Control in action …so you can see how to start using this system in your business RIGHT NOW

— Case studies where NON-GURU students of his used Mass Control to pull in up to $12,000 a week …without doing a launch, without affiliates, and without doing anything “fancy”

— A 20 minute video that shows you how you can use Mass Control to make cash TODAY…by giving away free stuff.

— Plus 4 more videos that give you list building templates, live examples to copy and more!

Nothing but 100% refreshing content. And he walks you through everything step-by-step.

Is that cool or what?

Whether or not you’re interested in going through his full “mass control” program when he releases it in February, the marketing education you’ll get from watching his free videos and studying his copy is worth it’s weight in gold alone.

And whether or not you want to accept it – we are ALL marketers. To say we are not in the sales and marketing business as MLMers is to ignore the obvious. The sooner you jump headfirst into marketing and become an expert at it, the sooner your network marketing business will explode. That’s why I encourage you to soak up the marketing strategies Frank is revealing – they ARE applicable to the online prospecting mini-site methods I’ve been teaching you.

Free Mass Control Videos

By the way, Frank hasn’t allowed any new subscribers onto his list for 2 years…which means you’ve finally got another chance to watch all his new free content-packed videos, read his new reports and have access to his mad scientist mind for yourself.

Get the full scoop here (no email required):
Free Mass Control Videos

Wishing you the best,

Chris Zavadowski πŸ™‚

P.S. — Considering Frank has been the “man behind the curtain” for four of the biggest launches in Internet marketing history…I’ll bet you’ll pick up a thing or two from what he does to launch his own new program. (I know I’ll be watching very closely ourselves!)

Free Mass Control Videos

Be sure to view his new, free “how to” videos before he takes them down for good like he has in the past.

Here’s Why ‘The Secret’ Pissed Me Off…

Why The Secret is Over HypedI’m going to get straight to the point today…

Traditional “goal setting” is a giant load of BS and the movie The Secret was over-hyped and only gave half the story.

Here’s what I mean…

Every New Year’s Eve we’ve been told to set our goals for the coming year, and it goes like this…

* Write out a “wish” list on December 31…
* Toast it with champagne at 11:59 p.m….
* Forget all about it by noon January 2nd…
* Life is back to “normal” by January 3rd…

Sound familiar?

I’ve made the same mistake myself before I discovered how the “Law Of Attraction” really works — and WHY we REALLY get what we want from life. That’s when my life changed instantly for the better.

I’ve personally gone from earning $200/week performing professionally in theater (and in debt)…to selling millions online….while *still* participating in my passion of the arts (and now investing in them too)…and while being totally debt-free and financially independent with a killer “lifestyle” business that funds all of my crazy trips and adventures for both myself and my family.

Now my good friend and business partner, Jim Edwards, followed the traditional “wishing” strategy his whole adult life too and all it did was land him in a trailer park, lead him to the “poor house” and — ultimately — into a permanent heart condition.

But when he used the Law of Attraction, everything changed!

In fact, in the space of just 9 months, he went from bankrupt and living in a trailer park to owning his own home and earning a 6-figure income…in less than 24 months he paid off his house…in less than 36 months his wife quit her job and came to work with him full time…

…and in less than 48 months he had his life and finances arranged so that he would never have to work another day in his life if I don’t want to.

Are you curious what strategies enabled us to do this (and more importantly if it’s possible for you to make the same incredible changes in your own life)?

You should be!

That’s why if you want to change your life for the better in 2008, then clear your calendar right now for a special webinar event happening this Thursday, January 10, 2008 at 7:00 pm (ET). Because I’m going to grill Jim Edwards and have him pull back the curtain to teach you how YOU can do this in your own life (and a whole lot more!)

Real World Success Webinar

These are action steps and simple REAL WORLD techniques he’s never talked about before and they come from the last 10 years “in the trenches” actually DOING what I’ll be grilling him about.

Now we didn’t want to risk all of the details getting trapped in a spam filter, so we’ve posted the full story for you on this page:

Real World Success Webinar

Right now there are only 203 spaces remaining — and if this webinar plays out like the last ones, it will be totally ‘sold out’ in no time flat. So head over and grab your spot (and special $97 bonus surprise) while you can!

Talk to you soon,

Chris Zavadowski πŸ™‚

P.S. – Remember the LIVE webinar happening THIS Thursday will teach you what ‘The Secret’ didn’t tell you about how to finally reach your goals. You’ll discover the simple action steps and real-world, proven techniques that will make 2008 your best year ever!

Go here now for the full story:
Real World Success Webinar

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