Thinking Outside the Box

Thinking Outside the BoxI get emails all the time asking me “Chris, what other sites do you recommend for my MLM business?” or “I feel stuck! How the heck can I get to the next level?”

Well, to save you an email, I wanted to let you know about something that might just be a good fit for you….

But I’ve got to tell you first, you need to visit this with an open mind – because the owner of this site throws most of your common motivational myths out the window.

Not only does he throw them out the window…he puts them through a shredder. (And it’s the fancy cross-cut kind, too.)

No more ineffective goal setting, or positive affirmations or “rah rah” stuff – he gets to the essence of your success in MLM (or any other business) in a shocking, eye-opening way.

I highly recommend you take a minute to read this special report…

Click Here to Think Outside the Box

New Prospecting Method Revealed on Tuesday

Hi gang,

Chris Zavadowski here with a flash update for you!

As a valued customer and subscriber, I wanted to let you know about an absolutely free, LIVE WEBINAR I’m holding with my good friend and business partner, Jim Edwards, this Tues., April 24, 2007 at 7:00 pm (Eastern / NYC time).

Insider Webinar Strategies

On this free no-holds-barred webinar, you’ll discover never-before-discussed insider secrets to ‘new’ webinar technology that massively increases your sales, ‘wows’ your customers, blows away your competition and pumps more cash into your pocket…while you sit at home in your pajamas having more fun…with less effort than ever before.

(Imagine holding weekly meetings while sitting at home on your couch!)

Here’s just a small sampling of what you’ll discover:

— How we took a *single* webinar and turned it into over $418,262.00 in sales less than 5 months (and that number still GROWS every single week!)…

3 “must-have” items for hosting your own webinars (and the 2 things you must use if you want to turn your one-time event into a never-ending profit stream OVER and OVER again.)

— The Top 10 PROVEN webinar “profit models” you can choose from to hold your own successful online events…

— A specific case study where Jim was able to generate over $10,000.00 in sales in just one hour with a simple webinar… and over $48,971.00 in total sales in less than 60 days… (Here’s what makes this even more incredible: the product he promoted is over 5 years old AND it’s not even his product!)

— 8 powerful reasons you should climb over broken glass to start using webinars in your business if you want to become THE dominant player in your company (and kick your competitors to the curb before they even realize it’s “game on!”)…

— Plus, we’ll share 4 REAL-LIFE “Case Studies” …complete with actual results and action steps you can use in your own business…

— And a whole lot more!

No one else has EVER taught these insider webinar strategies before.

That’s why, if you’re sick and tired of all the latest “flavor of the month” ways to make money online…

…and if you’re looking for the simplest, proven way to create your own products, generate a non-stop flood of traffic, make killer sales, and build a fat, responsive downline easier than you ever dreamed possible…then register now for the most important Webinar you’ll watch all year!

We only received 750 spots for this event (and 3 are already taken by Jim, my assistant and me). That means there are *only* 747 spots left (and I guarantee you those are going to go fast).

In fact, I’ll bet every dollar I’ve got in my pocket right now, this event will be completely SOLD OUT.

Get the full story and register here before it’s too late:
Insider Webinar Strategies

Don’t delay and kick yourself later.

Talk to you soon,

Chris Z πŸ™‚

P.S. – Just like the other events we’ve done in the past, it’ll be anything but a big “pitch” event. (In fact, we could easily charge $77 to $97 for the information on this webinar alone).

Plus, to up the ante, there will be something special happening on the webinar for live attendees.

You do NOT want to miss this!

Go here while it’s fresh on your mind:
Insider Webinar Strategies

P.P.S. – I know the event was supposed to happen tonight, but in light of what took place here in Virginia with my alma mater, Virginia Tech, we decided to push this back until next week. You can read my blog post for more details and my feelings on it. Thanks for understanding!

Virginia Tech: Today, We Are All Hokies

Virginia Tech TearsAs many of you know, I hold two degrees from Virginia Tech – the same school where the massacre happened on April 16, 2007.As a Virginian and a Virginia Tech graduate (and also someone who worked there as a guest artist and staff member), I’ve been shocked at the global reach this tragedy has had. Within a day, people from all over the globe were sending me messages offering their support and love.

Fortunately, as of right now, I’m not directly connected with any of the Virginia Tech victims. But after what happened on Monday to the entire “Hokie” family, and what has happened to our country and world as a result of this….we’re ALL victims of this horrendous, insane act.

It’s hard to sit here and type this as I think of the same buildings I walked through being devastated by this. It brings tears to my eyes to read the millions of posts online. From MySpace, to Facebook, Youtube, VT’s memorial sites and more…it’s amazing to see the outstretched arms of so many people.

I ask all of you to take a moment of silence on Friday (day of mourning for this tragedy) and send your love and prayers out to everyone affected by this. There’s also a national “Hokie Effect” day happening on Friday where people around the world are wearing the Orange and Maroon colors to honor those we lost. I encourage you to participate in that if at all possible.

And most importantly, be sure to hug your loved ones today and tell them “I Love You” – for in these crazy times, we never know what the next minute holds.

“We are strong enough to stand tall tearlessly, we are brave enough to bend to cry, and we are sad enough to know that we must laugh again…We will prevail…We are Virginia Tech.” — Nikki Giovanni

Please take a moment to leave your comments, thoughts and prayers about this event below if you wish.

Today, we are all Hokies.

God Bless,

Chris πŸ™

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