Network Marketing Trainers On House Call

If you’re looking for new ways to build your business (or just need a kick in the butt to stay on track), then this just may be for you…

For the fifth time, I’m being invited back to be a guest expert on Hilton Johnson’s MLM Teleclass program. Every time I’ve held an internet prospecting call for them, it’s been jam-packed and sold out well in advance. So next month they’re brining me back by popular demand to join a team of other top-notch trainers like Hilton Johnson, Beatty Carmichael, Mary Jo Wehniainen. 🙂

To get access to any of the totally free calls, you’ll need to visit These complimentary, varied trainings “sell out” every month – so you don’t want to delay and miss out!

The Robert Collier Principle

In 1841, a Philadelphia store owner named J.W. Parkinson reportedly attracted thousands of people to his store by having some sort of mechanical Santa Claus going up and down the chimney on the store’s roof. When I was a kid, on the Friday after thanksgiving, Santa Claus arrived at the big department store in downtown Cleveland – and it seemed the entire city went. To compete, the department store across Public Square had its own holiday character from local TV, Mr. Jing-ALing. For retailers, restauranteurs and all manner of other astute merchants, marketers and entrepreneurs, Santa has been the gift that keeps on giving – at least since 1841.

Yet, surprisingly, I see lots and lots of businesses that either ignore this opportunity altogether or take merely a half-hearted swipe at it. And I always wonder why.

In direct marketing, there’s The Robert Collier Principle – based on a quote attributed to a copywriter of old, Robert Collier: “Always enter the conversation already taking place in the customer’s mind.” Santa and the holiday season occupy that conversational space for at least 8 weeks. If you want to hook your wagon to a star, he’s THE star of that season.

The calendar is every businessperson’s friend. It offers one opportunity after another to utilize the Collier Principle in advertising, marketing, promotion, even employee training and motivation. As you face the onrushing new year, consider all the holidays and other events the calendar provides as opportunities.

— Dan Kennedy

Dan Kennedy is an author, consultant and business coach. Additional information at

Things are Lookin’ Up: Up, Up and Away!

Wall Street affects Main Street in many ways these days. A greater percentage of Americans are market-invested than ever before in history, in part thanks to 401K Plans – which, in many cases, have employer matching contributions. For small business, the health of big business is often a predictive factor of success and prosperity; spending by big business trickles down.

So it was good news as we wrote this that, 256 of the S&P 500 companies had reported their 3rd quarter earnings and 70% beat estimates, only 23% came in under their estimates. Overall 3rd quarter growth exceeds 17%, which beats last year’s 14%. The market reflected this, hitting new highs late in October.

The next test of the economy is this holiday shopping season. Retailers enter it hopeful that the near-record low unemployment, nominal inflation, and low interest rates will spur consumers’ spending. In 2005, the average American spent approximately $735.00 on Christmas gifts (according to a retail industry study reported by Associate Press). Trends favoring purchase of luxury goods, electronic items, and home furnishings as holiday gifts could very well push this number higher this year.

How are you capitalizing on these trends?  Take advantage of your prospect’s “buying mindset” this season – especially if you have a “luxury” item that would function as a great gift.  You could even gift wrap it for your customers as a value-added bonus!

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