The NEW up-dated and expanded 3rd Edition of Dan Kennedy’s THE ULTIMATE MARKETING PLAN is now at booksellers. A fat 225 pages, it features 13 extraordinary ad, flyer and sales letter examples; a 15-step template for creating your own ‘ultimate marketing plan’ for any product, service or business; 17 “secret weapons”; tons of checklists, free resources, even an extension course delivered by e-mail.
This book guides you through every step of crafting a powerful message for your business, and getting it *delivered* to the ideal prospects. Also included: a comprehensive resource directory; certificate for free seminar tickets; and free entry in the national marketing plan/sales letter contest, with a new Ford Mustang as top prize.
From the book…why it’s so important: “Each day, from the minute your prospect awakes until the minute his exhausted eyes close at night, he is bombarded with advertising and marketing messages. On television, on the radio, on the internet at any web site he visits, in his e-mail, in his fax machine, on billboards, through his cell phone, in his mailbox at work and at home. If you accurately count every single time you are marketed to during just one day, you’ll find it’s in the thousands. This is the clutter and chaos and cacophony you must penetrate just to get your customer’s or client’s or prospect’s attention.”
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